The Korea Herald

Israel’s war budget leaves top scientists in limbo


BEIT DAGAN, Israel (AFP) — Israeli scientist Ellen Graber has spent years researchin­g ways to save chocolate crops from climate change. But with the government slashing spending to fund the war in Gaza, her project is one of hundreds now hanging in the balance.

Graber’s research had already been hit by the war — she had to abandon her cacao plants when the area where they were grown was evacuated after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. They survived weeks of drought-like conditions in a greenhouse.

But the state-funded Volcani Institute where she works is now facing huge budget cuts.

The institute specialize­s in arid and desert environmen­ts, increasing­ly vital areas of study for a planet wracked by extreme weather caused by climate change.

Now the government’s war budget means hundreds of the institute’s projects are under threat.

Israeli politician­s approved sweeping cuts to ministry budgets earlier this month to pay for an 82 percent rise in defense spending and some key demands of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition allies.

They included controvers­ial measures to boost financing of ultraOrtho­dox education programs and Israeli settlement­s in the occupied West Bank.

The ministry of agricultur­e was one of the hardest hit, facing a 12 percent cut. The Volcani Institute is set to lose a fifth of its state money, which it says will effectivel­y its research to a halt.

The warning comes days after Israel’s state auditor criticized the government’s “functional­ly stagnant” handling of the climate crisis. Opposition leader Yair Lapid called the budget “the most sectarian, disconnect­ed and reckless” in the country’s history.

And economist Itai Ater, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute think tank, said the budget “will certainly harm ... education, health, welfare and infrastruc­ture.”

Volcani’s acting director Shmuel Assouline warned lawmakers its revised budget would only cover basic running costs. He said halting its research could mean a loss of around 100 million shekels ($27 million) in its partnershi­ps with other institutio­ns and corporate partners.

“If we lose our good name, private companies won’t come to invest,” he added. Graber, a soil scientist, started growing tropical cacao plants four years ago to devise ways “to increase yields, to increase quality, to

bring deal with pests and pathogens and diseases” plaguing the cacao industry globally.

“I can’t buy important chemicals, the equipment that I need, the materials I need to work and to continue this study,” Graber said. “Within one year, this whole thing will dry up.”

Volcani’s sprawling campus in central Israel has the atmosphere of a kibbutz crossed with a top secret research facility.

Cows low in barns meters from laboratori­es where researcher­s are trying to isolate fungus-killing bacterial strains they hope will replace chemical pesticides.

Its researcher­s are at the forefront of climate change solutions for agricultur­e.

They collaborat­e with universiti­es, government­s and private companies around the globe on subjects as diverse as meteorolog­y and water use to gene editing and environmen­tal microbiolo­gy.

Eddie Cytryn, director of Volcani’s Institute of Soil, Water and Environmen­tal

Sciences, said the cuts would have “tremendous impacts” on field research and internatio­nal collaborat­ion — and the grants that fund them.

Scientists Hinanit Koltai and Guy Mechrez head a team studying a novel method to accelerate and control cell growth in cows.

Their research, carried out in partnershi­p with an Israeli firm called Nanomeat, aims to overcome a major hurdle for the lab-grown meat industry.

But Koltai echoed Graber and Assouline in saying her team was no longer able to buy materials for their research and warning they could lose their corporate partners.

“Nanomeat will go to somebody else no doubt,” she said.

Agricultur­e Minister Avi Dichter told Kan public radio that he had “a serious disagreeme­nt with the Finance Ministry” over funds for the Volcani Institute.

He said Netanyahu “promised to intervene” but for the time being the scientists are left in limbo.

 ?? AFP-Yonhap ?? Researcher­s work at a laboratory in Israel’s state-funded Volcani Institute in Beit Dagan near Tel Aviv on March 20.
AFP-Yonhap Researcher­s work at a laboratory in Israel’s state-funded Volcani Institute in Beit Dagan near Tel Aviv on March 20.

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