The Korea Herald

China opens WTO dispute against US subsidies to protect its EV


GENEVA (Reuters) — China has initiated dispute settlement proceeding­s against the United States at the World Trade Organizati­on to safeguard its interests in the electric vehicle industry, the Chinese mission said Tuesday and the WTO confirmed.

China said it was contesting “discrimina­tory subsidies” under the US Inflation Reduction Act that it said resulted in the exclusion of goods from China and other WTO countries.

The wide-ranging law provides billions of dollars in tax credits to help consumers buy electric vehicles and companies produce renewable energy, as President Joe Biden aims to decarboniz­e the mighty US power sector.

“Under the disguise of responding to climate change, reducing carbon emission and protecting the environmen­t, (these subsidies) are in fact contingent upon the purchase and use of goods from the United States, or imported from certain particular regions,” the Chinese mission said.

It said it was launching the proceeding­s “to safeguard the legitimate interests of the Chinese electric vehicle industry and to maintain a fair level playing field of competitio­n for the global market.”

US Trade Representa­tive Katherine Tai said Washington was reviewing China’s request for

WTO consultati­ons “regarding parts of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and its implementi­ng measures.”

In a statement, Tai said the IRA was helping to contribute to a “clean energy future that we are collective­ly seeking with our allies and partners.” She accused China of using what she described as “unfair, non-market policies” to the advantage of Chinese manufactur­ers.

A WTO official confirmed

that a request from China for dispute consultati­ons on the matter had been received, without providing details.

In Beijing, a spokespers­on for China’s Ministry of Commerce said it urged Washington to “promptly correct discrimina­tory industrial policies, and maintain the stability of the global industrial and supply chains for new energy vehicles.”

WTO rulings on trade disputes are supposed to take six months after an adjudicati­on panel up but often take longer.

If the WTO finds in favor of China, Washington could always appeal that decision into a legal void in place since December 2019 when the WTO’s top appeals bench ceased to function due to US opposition to judge appointmen­ts.

The United States is calling for reforms to the Appellate Body which it accuses of overreach and negotiatio­ns are underway but face many obstacles.

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 ?? Bloomberg ?? Geely Automobile Holdings’s Zeekr electric vehicles bound for shipment to Europe at the Port of Taicang in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, China, Aug. 24
Bloomberg Geely Automobile Holdings’s Zeekr electric vehicles bound for shipment to Europe at the Port of Taicang in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, China, Aug. 24

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