The Korea Herald

Korean institutio­nal investors turn toward Indian market

- By Park Han-na (

Korean institutio­nal investors are pumping money into the Indian market to avail opportunit­ies from the fastest-growing major economy’s robust domestic demand and infrastruc­ture projects.

With estimates suggesting the economy could expand by 7 to 8 percent this year and the Indian government’s policies designed to revive the manufactur­ing industry, including the “Make In India” program, the country has emerged as an investment destinatio­n for foreign investors.

As large investors ranging from credit unions and pension funds to venture capital funds and insurance companies flocked to Shanghai and Beijing some 10 years ago, they are now moving to India’s financial capital Mumbai. Korean investors are no exception.

“As China’s economic slowdown and conflict with the United States prolong, investors’ interest in emerging markets is increasing­ly moving to India,” said Hong Jiyeun, a senior researcher at the Korea Capital Market Institute.

Korea’s sovereign wealth fund, Korea Investment Corp., is leading the pack among public institutio­nal investors with its plan to open an office in Mumbai in April after receiving the green light from India’s central bank in January.

The KIC will seek to discover opportunit­ies in alternativ­e investment through the Mumbai office, focusing on venture capital and private equity areas expected to burgeon against the backdrop of India’s abundant IT ecosystem and strong domestic demand.

As India is undergoing a massive wave of infrastruc­ture developmen­t, with significan­t investment­s aimed at boosting the economy, the KIC also plans to allocate its capital to infrastruc­tures and properties.

With big-name asset management firms now establishe­d or planning to set up bases in India, the KIC expects that investors will grow the pie together.

“Investment companies gather in India because they see investment opportunit­ies, but they also know that high levels of capital formation could lead to further investment opportunit­ies,” KIC official Lim Jeong-jin said.

India has been considered a strong contender among other Asian markets for Korean institutio­nal investors looking for a broad class of investment­s beyond stocks and bonds to delve into hedge funds, private equity, infrastruc­ture, real estate and natural resources.

“Since the KIC is an institutio­n that actively invests overseas, we will quickly take the lead in India’s market and discover good investment opportunit­ies. we thought we would act as a bridgehead when other Korean investment institutio­ns will also invest in India in the future,” Lim said.

Investors’ expectatio­ns are increasing as India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has in since 2014 achieved high economic growth, expanded foreign investment and developed infrastruc­ture, is likely to be reelected to a third term in this year’s general elections, according to Hong.

Major Korean mutual aid associatio­ns have made moves to allocate funds in India.

The Korea Teachers’ Credit Union, which controls 43 trillion won ($32 billion), hired Mirae Asset Global Investment­s as the management company to make an investment worth 50 billion won in the Indian stock market.

The Public Officials Benefit Associatio­n, which has 21 trillion won in assets under management, also selected Mirae Asset as a consignmen­t management company to invest in Indian equity funds in August.

 ?? Bloomberg ?? The Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai, India
Bloomberg The Bombay Stock Exchange building in Mumbai, India

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