The Korea Herald

Ruling party leader pledges to relocate National Assembly to Sejong

- By Jung Min-kyung (

The ruling party interim leader pledged Wednesday to relocate the National Assembly to the administra­tive city of Sejong to balance out the political power currently concentrat­ed in the nation’s capital.

Han Dong-hoon, the interim chief of the People Power Party, revealed plans to push for “complete relocation of the National Assembly to Sejong to end the era of Yeouido politics,” in a press conference held some two weeks ahead of the April 10 legislativ­e election. Yeouido, a district in western Seoul, has been the center of Korean politics since the National Assembly building was completed in 1975.

“We plan to (open the) National Assembly to the public, while lifting developmen­t restrictio­ns in Yeouido and nearby areas to actively pursue developmen­t in Seoul,” he added.

Since 2021, the government has prepared to relocate the National Assembly to Sejong. A 631,000-square-meter plot of land in Sejong was allocated for the constructi­on of the new headquarte­rs of the country’s legislativ­e body in 2022. The constructi­on is slated to be completed by 2031.

“What we can promise is complete and total relocation of the National Assembly to Sejong, with the site prepared and the constructi­on already scheduled,” Han explained.

“The relocation will resolve administra­tive inefficien­cy, promote the balanced developmen­t of different areas within the country, and bring about active growth of regional economies. Sejong will become a true capital of politics and administra­tion, much like Washington, DC, in the United States.”

With Yeouido and nearby areas, the ruling party seeks to lift the building height restrictio­n of some 50 meters imposed on the area. Han claimed that such restrictio­ns were held in place for purely aesthetic reasons.

“We plan to establish a financial infrastruc­ture through redevelopm­ent after lifting such authoritar­ian restrictio­ns and the relocation of the National Assembly,” Han said.

“Then Yeouido will be able to grow into a financial hub that could compete with London, Singapore and Hong Kong.”

Following the relocation, the National Assembly could be renovated into an art gallery or a museum that could cater to the public, according to Han.

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