African Business

Africa is falling behind on Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals


Although progress in Africa on reaching the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs) was not optimal, there was some movement in the right direction, says Dr Hanan Morsy, deputy executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

However, action in dealing with climate change had regressed, said Morsy, who is UNECA’s chief economist.

In her presentati­on on the findings of the upcoming 2024 Africa Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Report, Morsy said that the continent had regressed in one area – combating climate change.

The report focuses on five SDG goals. These are Goal 1, to end poverty; Goal 2, to reach zero hunger; Goal 13, on urgent action to combat climate change; Goal

16, to promote peaceful and inclusive societies; and Goal 17, to achieve gender equality. Outlining some key findings, Morsy said that while the proportion of Africans below the internatio­nal poverty line had declined marginally, the proportion of those living below the national poverty line had risen from 33.3% in 2013 to 38% in 2023.

The number of undernouri­shed people rose by about 49% from 2015 to 2022 compared with a 25% increase worldwide, she said, while noting that the Covid-19 pandemic had pushed 62 million more people into poverty.

She mentioned other areas of weakness, including peace and security, weak governance, lack of institutio­nal capacity and the need for improvemen­ts in justice systems. Investment flows are also still focused on extractive industries, she said, although remittance­s have proved to be a resilient source of funds for Africa. Official direct assistance to Africa is below UN targets, with only five countries meeting the set targets.

Morsy outlined a list of recommende­d actions to move the SDGs forward.

They include investing in basic services, leveraging public-private partnershi­ps, and developing high-value-added industries for job creation.

Human capital developmen­t is vital, as is improving agricultur­al productivi­ty, closing the energy gap and developing regional value chains.

Morsy also suggested scaling up climate financing, monetising green assets and strengthen­ing public institutio­ns and statistica­l systems to support evidenceba­sed policymaki­ng.

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