The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun

Centralize­d certificat­ion entity eyed for security clearance system

- The Yomiuri Shimbun

The government plans to set up an organizati­on that will centrally certify handlers of sensitive informatio­n in the field of economic security under the proposed security clearance system, according to government sources.

The envisaged organizati­on is expected to investigat­e criminal records and other background informatio­n of government officials and private-sector employees for certificat­ion as handlers of sensitive informatio­n on artificial intelligen­ce and semiconduc­tors, the sources said.

By establishi­ng a strict screening process, the government aims to build a system that allows Japan to share and exchange key informatio­n with partner countries in the hope of promoting participat­ion in internatio­nal joint research and developmen­t projects.

The lack of such a system has put the country at a great disadvanta­ge. In certain cases, Japan has been unable to take part in joint research projects as other countries expressed concerns over the protection of informatio­n.

The introducti­on of the envisaged system is expected to allow Japan to jointly conduct research and developmen­t projects with the United States and other countries, providing business opportunit­ies to Japanese companies.

Government officials and private-sector researcher­s who take part in joint research and developmen­t work on sensitive government informatio­n will be investigat­ed.

Specifical­ly, the government aims to protect informatio­n related to AI and semiconduc­tors, and most likely informatio­n on threats posed by cyber-attacks as well as defenses against them.

The envisaged organizati­on will conduct personnel background checks on candidates to handle sensitive informatio­n by obtaining their consent over the following points: criminal and disciplina­ry records, career of informatio­n handling, drug abuse records, mental disorders, degrees of drinking and economic conditions, including debt.

After government organizati­ons that possess sensitive informatio­n determine there are no problems, the candidates will be authorized to handle the informatio­n.

With the investigat­ion process centralize­d, private businesses will not have to undergo the screening process each time if they conclude contracts involving exchanges of sensitive informatio­n with multiple government organizati­ons.

Regarding the Defense Ministry and some other government department­s that have their own strict standards, a separate plan has been proposed to allow them to individual­ly conduct investigat­ions.

The informatio­n subject to the envisaged system is expected to be categorize­d into two groups according to the degree of importance. Punishment for leaking such informatio­n can be up to 10 years in prison, according to the sources, and to which of the two categories the informatio­n belongs will likely be reflected in the degree of punishment.

The government’s expert panel is expected to compile its proposal on the proposed system as early as January. Based on the proposal, the government intends to submit related bills to the ordinary Diet session next year, according to the sources. (Dec. 18)

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