The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun

Kishida Cabinet’s approval rating remains low at 25%

- The Yomiuri Shimbun

The approval rating of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stood at 25% in a Yomiuri Shimbun public opinion survey conducted nationwide on Dec. 15-17. The figure was almost unchanged from the previous survey (24%) conducted from Nov. 17 to 19, which marked the lowest approval rating since the Liberal Democratic Party took back the reins of the government in 2012. The Cabinet’s disapprova­l rating stood at 63% in the survey, also largely unchanged from the previous survey (62%). The figure is the highest since the LDP’s return to power.

In the wake of a surfacing political funds scandal of an LDP faction once led by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Kishida replaced four key Cabinet ministers, including Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, but the approval rating continues to languish.

Regarding the problems surroundin­g the scandal and Cabinet replacemen­ts, 59% said that they think Kishida bears responsibi­lity, while 32% said they do not think he does. Only 19% of respondent­s replied they think he has exercised leadership in response and 73% replied they do not think he has.

About the replacemen­ts whom Kishida has appointed, 71% said they do not expect much from them, while 19% said they do.

Responses were split regarding the appointmen­t of Yoshimasa Hayashi as the new chief cabinet secretary, with 36% stating it was a positive choice and 38% not evaluating it as such.

On the topic of the LDP factions, a majority of respondent­s (59%) said the factions should be disbanded, whereas only 4% said the factions can remain unchanged. Thirty-four percent replied the faction system should continue to exist but needed to undergo reforms.

As many as 88% replied that the Political Funds Control Law needs to be revised, while only 7% said they do not think revision is necessary.

Respondent­s were asked to select one reason as to why they did not support the Kishida Cabinet. Responses included: they cannot expect much from Kishida’s policies (35%), Kishida does not have proper leadership (19%), they lack trust in the prime minister (18%).

Regarding about how long they want Kishida to remain as prime minister, 52% said until Kishida’s term as the LDP president expires in September, 36% said they want the prime minister to be replaced immediatel­y, and 9% said they want Kishida to stay in the post as long as possible.

Support rates for political parties remained largely unchanged. The LDP stayed at 28%, unchanged from the previous survey which had marked the first time support for the party fell below 30% since the LDP returned to power.

The Constituti­onal Democratic Party of Japan had a support rate of 5%, unchanged from the previous survey. Nippon Ishin (Japan Innovation Party) fell to 5% from 7%.

The percentage of respondent­s who do not support any specific party stood at 48%, the same as the previous survey. (Dec. 19)

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