The Star (Jamaica)

Nigerians nabbed for cyber fraud on NWC


Two Nigerians have been arrested in their homeland based on suspicion they were involved in a sophistica­ted cybercrime operation that targeted the the National Water Commission (NWC) in Jamaica.

The men, both residents of Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria, were detained following swift internatio­nal cooperatio­n and cutting-edge investigat­ive techniques between Jamaica’s Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA), in partnershi­p with US Federal Law enforcemen­t and Nigerian authoritie­s, and other internatio­nal partners .

The two alleged cybercrimi­nals attempted to defraud the NWC of more than US$1 million (approximat­ely J$155.7 million).

According to Major Basil Jarrett, director of communicat­ions at MOCA, “the agency was first alerted by the NWC in August 2023 of a business email compromise, which had illegally routed the funds to the criminals”.

“In response, MOCA, in collaborat­ion with its US federal law enforcemen­t partners, launched an intensive, internatio­nal cyber investigat­ion into the attack, resulting in the monies being frozen and ultimately, the majority of it being returned,” Jarrett said.

“This outcome not only highlights the resilience and preparedne­ss of our cybersecur­ity defences but also underscore­s the critical importance of internatio­nal cooperatio­n in addressing cyber threats,” Jarrett said.

MOCA’s investigat­ions in the cyber attack had pointed to the involvemen­t of an internatio­nal cyber threat actor located in Nigeria, and through further internatio­nal cooperatio­n, a search warrant was executed in that country. The two individual­s were eventually located in Lagos by Nigerian authoritie­s.

“These arrests”, said Jarrett, “are a clear indicator of the strength of our cyber investigat­ion capabiliti­es and the importance of our ongoing collaborat­ions across borders. But they are also a reminder that cyber attacks are a constant threat in this digital age, with millions of attempts being carried out annually. It is critical therefore that we remain vigilant by having robust cyber security systems in place”.

 ?? FILE ?? National Water Commission
FILE National Water Commission

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