The Star (Jamaica)

Ego Force dominates at Guinness sound clash


Ego Force emerged victors at Saturday night’s staging of the Guinness Sound of Greatness (GSOG) Sound Clash at D&G Plaza in Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth.

The event, which was the second playoff in the islandwide sound system battle, saw hundreds of patrons turning out to be entertaine­d by the 10 sounds that were assembled for the battle royale. In addition to high-quality juggling from the sound systems, patrons were wowed by Kaka Highflames and the High Flames dancers. The performers locked the crowd into the summer’s trending routines, performing hits like Flames Rock, Teach Dem, and Learn Fi Dance.

Meanwhile, in the GSOG clash, each sound system was charged with the task of delivering a unique blend of reggae and dancehall hits to engage the crowd. In addition to Ego Force, Simple Touch, Black

Widdo, and El Chappa impressed the judges most and advanced to the next round of the competitio­n. From the outset, Ego Force emerged as a force to be reckoned with, generating the most interactio­n from the crowd.

DJ Splendid of Ego Force said their approach to the encounter was well-planned.

“We came out to put on a good show, and our set list of the tunes played and the order were very intentiona­l. We knew the vibes we wanted from certain riddims and the artistes’ songs that would please the crowd,” DJ Splendid said.

Following the completion of

Saturday’s second round, all roads now lead to Plantation Smokehouse, St Ann, this Saturday for the semi-finals.

“We can’t wait to see what the sound systems bring!” exclaimed Nadine Hylton, brand manager of Guinness.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Black Widdo Sound System made its return after debuting in 2008, with a vintage showcase reminiscen­t of sound clash hardcore foundation.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Black Widdo Sound System made its return after debuting in 2008, with a vintage showcase reminiscen­t of sound clash hardcore foundation.
 ?? ?? Ego Force was on a different frequency, vibing at a higher level and holding the crowd’s attention with their performanc­e.
Ego Force was on a different frequency, vibing at a higher level and holding the crowd’s attention with their performanc­e.
 ?? ?? Kaka Highflames and the High Flames Dancers brought the heat with their trending routines, featuring favourites like ‘Flames Rock’ and ‘Teach Dem’.
Kaka Highflames and the High Flames Dancers brought the heat with their trending routines, featuring favourites like ‘Flames Rock’ and ‘Teach Dem’.
 ?? ?? The crowd goes wild with pot covers, blowing horns, and cheering on their favourite sound systems.
The crowd goes wild with pot covers, blowing horns, and cheering on their favourite sound systems.
 ?? ?? Oraine Bennett (centre) gives his feedback, as fellow judges Davy ‘Tall Boss’ Scott (left) and Keith Walford lend a keen ear.
Oraine Bennett (centre) gives his feedback, as fellow judges Davy ‘Tall Boss’ Scott (left) and Keith Walford lend a keen ear.
 ?? ?? El Chappa had the crowd locked into their segment.
El Chappa had the crowd locked into their segment.

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