The Star (Jamaica)

Ex’s nude picture posted on WhatsApp


A53-year-old man was scolded on Monday by a senior parish judge, after he admitted to posting his ex-girlfriend’s nude photo as his WhatsApp display picture.

“And you thought that was the most sensible thing to do? You’re a big 53-year-old man,” Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell said.

It was shared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court that the defendant and the complainan­t, who is 35, were in a relationsh­ip, and occasional­ly spent time at the man’s house. The couple took X-rated photograph­s of each other.

The court heard that after the relationsh­ip ended, the defendant urged the complainan­t to move on as he had already found another partner.

“She seh she want we fi start back but the type of relationsh­ip she want, me can’t afford to give it to her. Me need someone that is present for me and she not giving me that. She start post up pictures of us, and I screenshot a picture of her and block everybody and I tell her that if she don’t stop post, me nah tek down the picture I have of her,” the defendant told the judge.

The investigat­or informed the senior jurist that in the photo in question, the complainan­t was naked, with her genitalia and breast exposed.

“You could see her face?” Burrell quizzed, to which the investigat­or answered in the affirmativ­e.

The defendant who was charged with use of computer for malicious communicat­ion, a breach of section nine of the Cybercrime­s Act, did not enter a plea. He was made the subject of a fingerprin­t order and is to return to court on July 5, when the matter is set for mention.

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