The Star (Jamaica)

Government enhancing border security


The Government has made substantia­l investment­s over the years in enhancing border security, according to Minister of National Security Dr Horace Chang.

“The investment­s include a coastal radar system, the acquisitio­n of offshore patrol vessels, but critically, the use of technologi­cal solutions to manage and regulate security and movements at our ports of entry, in particular the airports, where the visible change is now clear to all,” Chang stated.

“We have not only seen the physical expansion of our busiest airport, but going through the halls, on any busy day now, is a far different experience from what existed previously,” he added.

The minister was making his contributi­on to the 2024-25 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representa­tives on Tuesday. Chang said electronic kiosks and e-gates have been installed at the internatio­nal airports to ensure that there is a “pleasant experience coming into Jamaica”.

“The Immigratio­n Restrictio­n (Commonweal­th Citizen) Act and the Aliens Act are currently being updated to harmonise and modernise the legal framework to effectivel­y address current border security and control mechanisms. It will strengthen anti-terrorism measures and improve the activities of PICA (Passport,

Immigratio­n and Citizenshi­p Agency) with greater support for the use of technology,” the minister said.

Chang further noted that the Visa Policy was also tabled in the House, “demonstrat­ing even further the Government’s commitment to border control and greater efficiency at our ports”.

 ?? RUDOLPH BROWN ?? Minister of National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang speaking in the House of Representa­tives on Tuesday.
RUDOLPH BROWN Minister of National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang speaking in the House of Representa­tives on Tuesday.

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