The Star (Jamaica)

Shallow wants collective action, shared responsibi­lity for WI’s rebuilding

- ST JOHN’S, Antigua (CMC):

Cricket West Indies (CWI) President Dr Kishore Shallow has warned there is no “quick fix” to the issues facing West Indies cricket and has called for a collaborat­ive approach by stakeholde­rs to finding “sustainabl­e solutions”. Speaking ahead of his attendance at the Regional Conference on West Indies Cricket, starting in Port of Spain today, Shallow said “collective action and shared responsibi­lity” would be required to restore the game to its former glory in the region. “While we have made considerab­le progress within CWI, setting the stage for a brighter future for West Indies cricket, it’s essential to recognise that there is no quick fix (to) addressing the complex challenges facing our sport,” said Shallow.

“It requires sustained effort and participat­ion from all stakeholde­rs involved.”

He continued: “While CWI shoulders a significan­t portion of the responsibi­lity, we understand that meaningful progress cannot be achieved in isolation.

“It is crucial for all stakeholde­rs, including CARICOM government­s, territoria­l boards, and other relevant entities, to actively engage and contribute to advancing West Indies cricket.”

The conference, themed ‘Reinvigora­ting West Indies Cricket – A Symposium for Strategic Collaborat­ion and Innovation’, is being jointly staged by the Trinidad and Tobago government and regional nation grouping, CARICOM, and chaired by host Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

A leading proponent of governance reform in the regional body, Rowley also serves as chairman of the CARICOM Prime Ministeria­l subcommitt­ee on Cricket.

The staging of the conference was one of the decisions arising from the 46th regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM, held in Guyana in February.

Discussion­s during the conference will focus on topics like the ‘Strategic Direction of West Indies Cricket’, ‘Finance and Commercial Considerat­ions’ and ‘Fan Engagement’.

Shallow expressed optimism ahead of the two-day conference, noting that with the right solutions, West Indies cricket could thrive again.

“Together, we can forge sustainabl­e solutions that will propel West Indies Cricket to new heights of success and prominence on the global stage,” he pointed out.

“We remain committed to building upon the progress we’ve made and charting a course towards a vibrant and prosperous future for West Indies cricket.

“Through collective action and shared responsibi­lity, we are confident in our ability to overcome challenges and realise our vision for the sport.”

Shallow will be accompanie­d by CWI VicePresid­ent Azim Bassarath; Chief Executive Officer Johnny Grave; Director of Cricket Miles Bascombe; and CWI directors.

 ?? FILE ?? Dr Kishore Shallow
FILE Dr Kishore Shallow

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