The Star (Jamaica)

‘Deadpool’ wins Super Lotto

Takes home $163.5 million


The 26th winner of the Super Lotto, known as CG, made a grand entrance yesterday at the S Hotel clad in a Deadpool costume, ensuring his identity remained hidden while collecting his substantia­l winnings.

“This win is surreal, beyond anything I could have ever imagined,” exclaimed CG during the official presentati­on of his winnings. The St Ann businessma­n pocketed $163.5 million.

“I buy Super Lotto occasional­ly, and I only bought this ticket because my father gave me the numbers and told me to buy a ticket. He’s the one who checked the results and told me that the numbers hit. I was in shock when he called me and told me. It’s almost unbelievab­le!”

The winning numbers 04, 08, 09, 15, 30, and Super Ball 02, had been used by CG’s father for years without yielding the jackpot. Despite being the fortunate winner, CG remains grounded, expressing his intention to use the windfall to benefit his entire family and invest in his business ventures and real estate.

Chloleen Daley Muschett, corporate communicat­ions and public relations manager, Supreme Ventures Group, disclosed details on the festive costumes for the handover process, which are aimed at adding an element of fun.

“We’re just trying to make it fun for the winners and the consumers as well because people look forward to seeing what character we are going to choose next,” she said.

So far in 2024, winners have been making their public appearance­s dressed as iconic figures such as music superstars Beyoncé and Bob Marley, with previous winners being aptly going by the names Money B and Lotto Bob, respective­ly.

For CG, donning a Deadpool costume was not a coincidenc­e. For him, it symbolises his stroke of luck akin to the Marvel character’s transforma­tive journey from illness to superpower­s.

Debbie Green, the country manager for IGT Jamaica, remarked, “Any time I am here to hand over a check to a super millionair­e, it’s always a fabulous day.” She highlighte­d the positive impact of lottery sales, emphasisin­g the contributi­ons to government taxes and the CHASE Fund. Heather Goldson, marketing officer at Supreme Ventures Limited, echoed the sentiment, pointing out the importance of celebratin­g winners and the hope they inspire others. “When you see people who really win substantia­l amounts of money, it gives people a lot of hope that that could be them,” Goldson shared, reflecting on her own experience as a former lotto player.

“I buy Super Lotto occasional­ly, and I only bought this ticket because my father gave me the numbers and told me to buy a ticket. He’s the one who checked the results and told me that the numbers hit. I was in shock when he called me and told me. It’s almost unbelievab­le!”

 ?? ANTOINE LODGE ?? CG, who is going home with $163.5 million from the Super Lotto jackpot, chose a Deadpool outfit to collect his symbolic cheque.
ANTOINE LODGE CG, who is going home with $163.5 million from the Super Lotto jackpot, chose a Deadpool outfit to collect his symbolic cheque.

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