Jamaica Gleaner

Powerful road signs needed



THE NATIONAL Road Safety Council (NRSC) has been doing a good job over the years. Dr Lucien Jones deserves much credit in this regard.

However, compliance, on the part of motorists, continues to be a major challenge. As a result, speeding, not halting at red traffic lights, and entering busy major thoroughfa­res from avenues, crescents and/or closes in an untimely manner increase the probabilit­y of accidents, among many other traffic offences.

Another common practice on the part of motorists is to disobey and disregard signs that read ‘No Right Turn Between 7am and 7pm’.

One potentiall­y effective way of increasing compliance, in my view, is for prominent signs to be strategica­lly placed throughout the city, showing traffic laws and the correspond­ing traffic fines for breaking those laws.

For instance, above major traffic lights, signs could be placed which read ‘Fine For Breaking Red Light: $10,000 & 6 Points Off’; and above stop signs, the warning could read ‘Fine For Not Coming To A Complete Halt: $10,000 & 6 Points Off’.

Signs along major thoroughfa­res could read: ‘Fine For Speeding (Regular Zone): $10,000 & 4 Points Off’; ‘Fine for Careless Driving Causing Collision: $25,000 & 10 Points Off’; ‘Fine for Careless Driving Where No Collision Occurs: $11,000 & 4 Points Off’; ‘Fine For Overtaking Without A Clear View: $10,000 and 3 Points Off’; ‘Fine for Overtaking Causing Obstructio­n: $10,000’; ‘Fine for Causing Motor Cycle to be Driven on One Wheel Only: $5,000 & 3 Points Off’.

Sometimes a strong visual reminder can cause careless drivers to think twice before breaking a traffic law.


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