Jamaica Gleaner

‘Look What Fell Out De Mango Tree’ heading to St James


AWARD-WINNING WRITER and performer Debra Ehrhardt is partnering with Half Moon to bring her Look What Fell Out De Mango Tree to St James.

The play will be performed at the Half Moon Conference Centre on Sunday, August 4 at 4 p.m. as part of Roots, Rum, Jamaica, Half Moon’s 70th anniversar­y event set for August 2 to 6.

Also starring in Ehrhardt’s new play is Jamaican Juilliard-trained actor Christophe­r Grossett, with Oscar and Grammy Awardwinni­ng Hall of Fame songwriter and composer, Paul Williams as director.

Speaking on his decision to direct the play, Williams shared that it was the script and actors who made all the difference. “Although I’m writing two musicals and have very little time to spare, I was so impressed with the material and quality of the actors, I wanted to direct this piece,” Williams said.

Look What Fell Out De Mango Tree is presented in honour of Half Moon’s 70th anniversar­y with part proceeds going towards the SOS Children’s Village in Montego Bay.

Based on Ehrhardt’s life story, the play explores the importance of forgivenes­s and the power of vulnerabil­ity as she uncovers a big secret that unlocks her ability to forgive and transforms her relationsh­ip with men. It contains mature language and content and is not recommende­d for audiences under 16 years of age.

“It is a wonderful opportunit­y to support the arts in our community,” said Shernette Crichton, general manager of Half Moon. “This play is a fantastic way to engage in a meaningful experience that will no doubt inspire and connect. Half Moon is a proud promoter of music, art, and performanc­e. We believe in fostering cultural connection­s through these media, and we are delighted that the proceeds will benefit SOS Children’s Village, one of the charities we continuous­ly support as well as the production of What’s Your Story, Jamaica? 2025.”

There will be a moderated post-show talkback with the director and artists immediatel­y following the performanc­e.

Ehrhardt has performed her own stories all over the world based on her colourful life in Jamaica and has made her home in the United States while maintainin­g an unquestion­able passion for her native land. Previous solo production­s include Mango Mango, Invisible Chairs, Cock

Tales: Shame on Me! and Jamaica Farewell which was produced by Rita Wilson-Hanks and Garry Marshall and has been optioned for film.

The recipient of several awards, she received a proclamati­on from the City of New York for her Outstandin­g Contributi­on to the Jamaican Community. She founded What’s Your Story, Jamaica?, a million-dollar storytelli­ng competitio­n in Kingston, and returns to Jamaica every year to produce and promote the competitio­n.

The staging of Look What Fell Out De Mango Tree is part of Half Moon’s 70th anniversar­y celebrator­y activities, which include farm-to-table experience­s, guest chef events and other exciting executions.

 ?? FILE ?? Debra Ehrhardt
FILE Debra Ehrhardt
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Christophe­r Grossett
CONTRIBUTE­D Christophe­r Grossett

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