Jamaica Gleaner

Ministry of Health urges people to search and destroy mosquito-breeding sites


FOLLOWING THE start of the hurricane season and the anticipate­d increase in rainfall, the Ministry of Health and Wellness is reminding members of the public to expect an increase in the breeding of mosquitoes, especially those that carry disease, such as the Aedes aegypti mosquito, carriers of the dengue virus.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Jacquiline Bisasor-McKenzie noted, “It is important for members of the public to play their part to prevent a possible increase in the transmissi­on of dengue by searching for and destroying all potential mosquito-breeding sites in and around their surroundin­g.”

The Aedes aegypti mosquito breeds in any containeri­sed environmen­t; that is, in anything that can hold water.

Some of the common breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito are drums, tyres, buckets, and animal feeding containers.

Members of the public are being encouraged to search their surroundin­gs at home and work at least once per week to ensure there is no Aedes aegypti breeding sites.

This is the best strategy to mitigate against a possible outbreak of dengue later in the year.

The public is also being encouraged to take protective action to reduce their contact with mosquitoes.

“Jamaica’s, as with the rest of the Caribbean, high dengue transmissi­on period coincides with the hurricane season annually. In anticipati­on of that, the ministry will activate an enhanced public education programme, home inspection­s, and the destructio­n of breeding sites by vector control workers, and islandwide fogging by the parish health department­s,” added Dr. McKenzie.

Persons may contact their Parish Health Department or the Ministry of Health and Wellness at 888-ONELOVE (888-663-5683) with any reports or concerns.

 ?? FILE ?? The Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits dengue.
FILE The Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits dengue.

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