Jamaica Gleaner


The following events took place on July 15 in the years identified:



Four thousand persons, a conservati­ve estimate, crowded in front of the residence of former Mayor Dr O.E. Anderson to ask that he allow himself to be re-elected by them to the Council of the Kingston and Saint Andrew Corporatio­n. It was a scene unpreceden­ted in the history of the Corporate Area as Brentford Road, from its junction, was blocked to traffic by a dense crowd of wildly cheering men and women.


Support for the establishm­ent of a stock exchange in Jamaica and a promise to assist in every possible way in its developmen­t were pledged at the meeting of the board of directors of Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Limited. The decision was reached when a resolution, moved by Mr Gerald Mair, was carried, following a discussion on “the commercial community and island industrial developmen­t.”


sation of the bauxite industry, aimed at giving Jamaica a greater share in the benefits of the industry and at giving Jamaicans a share in the ownership of the bauxite companies, was made by Leader of the Opposition Michael Manley. Making his contributi­on to the Budget Debate in the House of Representa­tives, Mr Manley proposed the establishm­ent of a National Bauxite Authority with wide regulatory powers to exercise fundamenta­l control and supervisio­n “over this vital industry.”


The Bureau of Standards was officially opened by Prime Minister Hugh Shearer at a ceremony held at its headquarte­rs, 6 Winchester Road in Kingston. In his address, the prime minister stated that the success of the bureau woul depend heavily on the cooperatio­n which it received from consumers and the manufactur­ers.

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