Jamaica Gleaner

Healing Haven

Aiin Duncombe’s architectu­ral Montego Bay sanctuary

- Barry Rattray is a dream house designer and builder. Email feedback to barryrattr­ay1@hotmail.com and lifestyle@gleanerjm.com.

OH MY God! This dream haven, by any known measure of evaluation, is beyond the extraordin­ary! A house of healing, where the presence of the Holy Spirit, therapeuti­c architectu­re, and the unwavering, divine faith of its owner and what she brings to it, synthesise­s to engender a transforma­tional experience for those under its roof.

The story has been publicly told about the titleholde­r Aiin Duncombe and her 88 yearold journey of life. So, the spotlight today is more on the architectu­ral constituti­on of her home, and the consequent­ial, starring role it has played in her accomplish­ments.

For context, she left the island in 1957, bound for the United Kingdom, eventually becoming a registered psychiatri­c nurse for those with mental health disorders. In retirement, Duncombe, never married, with no children, opened a home for the mentally challenged. During this time, the devoted Christian lady became seriously afflicted, facing difficulti­es with diabetes. She would seek urgent attention in America at a lifestyle (alternate medicine) health centre, reversing, she said, her acute illness. Back in England, because of the bitter cold, she retreated to Florida for some years, but her sister’s sickness compelled her to relocate to Jamaica to be near her. She needed to buy a house here.

In 2007, the lady was swept off her feet by this one with its individual­ised architectu­re on a one-acre plot, in the sought-after neighbourh­ood of Ironshore, Montego Bay. It was expanded and refurbishe­d with the same exterior style.

The solar-powered residence now boasts nine bedrooms and 13 bathrooms; main and auxiliary granite counter kitchen; dining and an upstairs living room; wrap around garden-view balconies, and a downstairs patio to pool and blooming garden.

The exterior design, in white, is instantly recognisab­le with all those proud columns and beams extending from the upper section of its structure, transmitti­ng strength and attraction to onlookers. The roof projection, with clerestory windows, floods the interior with much natural light, giving domination and distinctio­n to the façade.

This is the intriguing part of her spiritual home: Duncombe’s life-altering programme and experience has been replicated right here, thanks to the Almighty, with her engaging in a wellness solution of prevention, treatment, management and reversal, for chronic lifestyle diseases. Guests arrive, some left for dead, others in dire need not being able to contribute monetarily, but never turned away. She makes no profit.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? The house of healing is an extraordin­ary transforma­tional experience for those lucky to visit.
CONTRIBUTE­D The house of healing is an extraordin­ary transforma­tional experience for those lucky to visit.
 ?? ?? Barry Rattray CONTRIBUTO­R
Barry Rattray CONTRIBUTO­R

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