Jamaica Gleaner

Golding threatens defamation suit against Heroy Clarke

- Kimone.francis@gleanerjm.com

OPPOSITION LEADER Mark Golding has threatened to file a defamation suit against Heroy Clarke, deputy speaker of the House of Representa­tives, following comments he reportedly made about Golding’s relationsh­ip with his wife, Sandra.

The comments are said to have been made in a WhatsApp group which had approximat­ely 300 members.

In a letter addressed to Clarke, dated June 7, 2024, Golding’s attorneys from the law firm Hart Muirhead Fatta made several demands they want met by Monday.

Clarke has been told to confirm in writing that he undertakes not to publish or cause to be published any defamatory statement, express or implied, in any way concerning Golding.

He has also been told to agree to provide a full and unreserved written apology to Golding in a newspaper of islandwide circulatio­n in Jamaica, in form and substance and with prominence acceptable to the People’s National Party president.

Clarke, the member of parliament for St James Central, must also agree to enter into discussion­s with Golding’s attorneys as to the terms of a settlement of the claim against him for damages for defamation.

“Failing which we hold instructio­ns to bring proceeding­s against you in court for appropriat­e remedies, including damages, injunctive relief, and costs,” the letter from the law firm said.

Efforts by The Gleaner to get a comment from Clarke were unsuccessf­ul.

According to Golding’s attorneys, the comments were reportedly made by Clarke on June 6.

The lawyers said the comments “comprised utterly false statements as to the age of Golding’s wife and the origin of their relationsh­ip”.

“Your statements have disparaged Mr Golding in his character and reputation as leader of the Opposition, a former minister in the Government of Jamaica, an attorney-at-law, investment banker, and as a businessma­n, and have severely injured and damaged him in his credit and business, and have brought him into public scandal, odium, and contempt, thereby causing considerab­le distress and embarrassm­ent to him,” the letter said.

It said the comments have also caused reputation­al damage to Golding.

 ?? ?? Mark Golding
Mark Golding
 ?? ?? Heroy Clarke
Heroy Clarke

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