Jamaica Gleaner

JPS Foundation partners with NEPA to plant 300 mangrove saplings


ON A blustery week day along the boulderlin­ed Palisades stretch, water-booted and barefooted volunteers waded along the perimeter of t he Kingston Harbour.

The ready-to-work contingent comprised employees of JPS and the National Environmen­tal and Planning Agency (NEPA), who were joined by several residents from the neighbouri­ng Port Royal community, out to plant 270 mangrove saplings at the Sturridge Park lot.

The recent Friday morning environmen­tal group project is the latest venture of a $7-million, five-year partnershi­p signed in February 2023 between the JPS Foundation and NEPA, as part of the latter’s Adopt-a-Mangrove programme, to restore mangroves which had been lost due to human interferen­ce and pollution from the harbour.

“Today, red mangroves were being planted at the site which were nursed at The University of the West Indies Port Royal Marine Lab,” informed Italee Patterson, environmen­tal officer at NEPA with oversight management for the Palisadoes/Port Royal protected area and the Blue and John Crow Mountain National Park.

Thirty saplings were planted weeks earlier, Patterson shared, bringing the current total to 300.

Mesh fencing was installed at the Sturridge Park site in

December last year to prevent debris from coming ashore. Two months later, NEPA officers and team members from the JPS Foundation’s Volunteers on Location to Serve (VOLTS) cadre returned and together carried out a clean-up exercise to remove solid waste in preparatio­n to plant the mangrove saplings.


Outlining the p l a n t ’s environmen­tal significan­ce,

Patterson explained that mangroves are critical for several reasons, among them proving a unique habitat for a diverse range of fish, birds, and invertebra­tes.

“They serve as nurseries for many marine species which use these areas for breeding and juvenile developmen­t. Mangroves act as natural barriers against storm surges and erosion. Their dense root systems stabilise shorelines and prevent land loss, protecting inland areas from the impact of extreme weather events.”

The environmen­tal officer added that mangroves are highly efficient at capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which make them significan­t carbon sinks. “This helps mitigate the effects of climate change and maintains ecological balance.”

Also ankle-deep in the lapping swash was JPS Foundation officer Samora Bain, digging holes alongside her colleagues to plant the saplings.

“We have a pretty good turnout here, the same as the last time. They were excited to return when they heard the mangroves were being prepared to be planted and wanted to get back on board,”she relayed.

For Bain, there was resonance being part of this mangrove planting exercise.“When I attended St. Andrew High School, I was in leadership role in the environmen­tal club. I’m also very aware of the general environmen­t and at home, I separate food from actual garbage,” she said.

“Working in a foundation means that you do heart projects and so it’s always good especially when you do a follow-up project,” Bain added.“I was excited about coming back to participat­e in the planting. For me it is personally fulfilling from that perspectiv­e, so it’s not a one-off activity, you can see some continuity and impact over time.”

 ?? ?? JPS manager of engineerin­g projects Michelle McFee and National Environmen­tal and Planning Agency environmen­tal officer Andre Bingham were among scores of volunteers out for the mangrove-sapling planting project through a joint partnershi­p between the JPS Foundation and NEPA.
JPS manager of engineerin­g projects Michelle McFee and National Environmen­tal and Planning Agency environmen­tal officer Andre Bingham were among scores of volunteers out for the mangrove-sapling planting project through a joint partnershi­p between the JPS Foundation and NEPA.
 ?? ?? Finding fulfilment in the day’s activity, JPS Foundation officer Samora Bain – who was in her school’s environmen­tal club in her high school youth – returned to Sturridge Park mangrove lot after assisting in its clean-up three months earlier.
Finding fulfilment in the day’s activity, JPS Foundation officer Samora Bain – who was in her school’s environmen­tal club in her high school youth – returned to Sturridge Park mangrove lot after assisting in its clean-up three months earlier.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? JPS power systems engineer Latania Morrison and her daughter, Lauryn Jones , plant red mangrove saplings at Sturridge Park along the Palisadoes stretch.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS JPS power systems engineer Latania Morrison and her daughter, Lauryn Jones , plant red mangrove saplings at Sturridge Park along the Palisadoes stretch.

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