Jamaica Gleaner

Pinnock in race against time after injury costs him NCAA title

- Raymond Graham/Gleaner Writer

WAYNE PINNOCK has been one of the most consistent collegiate long jumpers over the past few years, and after winning the South Eastern Conference (SEC) long jump title last month for the University of Arkansas, he was favourite to go all the way two days ago at the National Collegiate Athletics Associatio­n (NCAA) Division 1 Outdoor Championsh­ips in Eugene, Oregon.

Pinnock, who is also the world leader in the event, with 8.40 metres, had to settle for fifth in the event, with 7.98 metres.

In an interview with The Gleaner, Pinnock said he went into the Championsh­ips with an injury, which affected his performamn­ce.

“I suffered a groin injury at the SEC Championsh­ips on my first attempt in the long jump, and since then, it has been bothering me,” said Pinnock, who only made two legitimate attempts then, winning with 8.09 metres on his second attempt.

“This is an Olympic year, and I am really focusing on this as I really want to represent my country there, but time is against me. But I am leaving everything in the hands of God as I know he will pull me through,” said Pinnock.

“It is just over three weeks to go before the Jamaica National Senior Championsh­ips, and the injury has taken a toll on me, but my handlers and I will be trying our best to see what medical help I can get ahead of this important meet,” cited Pinnock, the defending national champion.

He won the national title last year with 8.32 metres before going on to mine silver at the Budapest World Athletics Championsh­ips, with 8.50, just two centimetre­s behind Miltiadis Tentoglou of Greece.

 ?? GLADSTONE TAYLOR/MULTIMEDIA PHOTO EDITOR ?? Jamaica’s Wayne Pinnock competes in the men’s long jump finals at the World Athletics Championsh­ips at the National Athletics Centre in Budapest, Hungary, on August 24, 2023.
GLADSTONE TAYLOR/MULTIMEDIA PHOTO EDITOR Jamaica’s Wayne Pinnock competes in the men’s long jump finals at the World Athletics Championsh­ips at the National Athletics Centre in Budapest, Hungary, on August 24, 2023.

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