Jamaica Gleaner

OECS unveils billboards celebratin­g free movement of people


THE ORGANISATI­ON of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) has unveiled four billboards celebratin­g the free movement of people across the member states of the sub-regional grouping.

The St Lucia-based OECS Commission said that the unveiling of the billboards forms part of the activities marking the 43rd anniversar­y of the grouping and is a “significan­t step towards promoting regional integratio­n and unity”.

It said that the billboards were unveiled with support from FLOW St Lucia and the Regional Integratio­n and Diaspora Office of St Kitts-Nevis and are mounted in the two OECS countries under the theme‘Free Movement in the OECS’.

They feature vibrant imagery and a message informing citizens of the benefits of free movement within the OECS region.

OECS Director General Dr Didacus Jules said; “The launch of these billboards marks a significan­t step towards educating our citizens on the benefits of the OECS fee movement of people.

“By providing clear and accessible informatio­n, we are empowering citizens of the full OECS member states to take full advantage of the opportunit­ies for travel, work, and residency within our protocol member states,” he added.

The OECS Free Movement of Persons Regime allows citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Montserrat to travel, live, and work freely within the region, fostering greater economic opportunit­ies, cultural exchange, and togetherne­ss.

“This regime is a cornerston­e of the OECS integratio­n process, aimed at enhancing cooperatio­n and collective progress among member states,” the OECS

Commission added.

OECS Commission­er for St KittsNevis, Larry Vaughan, said, “Our shared vision of free movement of our OECS nationals needs to be seen and felt by all nationals.

“This billboard initiative is welcomed as it brings additional awareness to the fact that regional integratio­n is alive and well in the subregion. This accomplish­ment needs to be celebrated.”

FLOW St Lucia country manager, Chris Williams, shared his support for the work of the OECS.

“We are proud to support the OECS in this important initiative. These billboards not only enhance public awareness but also promote the seamless integratio­n of our communitie­s. At Flow, we believe in fostering connection­s that drive regional developmen­t and empower our people.”

Meanwhile, the OECS said that it has launched an updated and new French digital platforms that will allow for the enhance engagement with associate member states

Martinique and Guadeloupe, while fostering greater regional integratio­n and cooperatio­n.

The OECS Commission said that the new French channels are designed to ensure that citizens of Martinique and Guadeloupe can fully engage with OECS activities and learn about the importance of their inclusion in the organisati­on.

It said with up-to-date French content equivalent to the English OECS accounts, communicat­ion gaps will be bridged to strengthen connection­s among all member states.

“Launching these French digital platforms brings us closer to inclusivit­y and enhanced communicat­ion within the OECS. Martinique and Guadeloupe are integral parts of our community, and their citizens must have access to informatio­n in their native language,” Jules said, adding “this initiative will not only help them understand the relevance of being included in the OECS, but also help promote the benefits of regional integratio­n”.

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