Jamaica Gleaner

TPDCo, Guardsman Hospitalit­y Ltd sign MOU to adopt Old Folly Scenic Park


THE TOURISM Product Developmen­t Company Limited (TPDCo) and Guardsman Hospitalit­y have signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) for the adoption and maintenanc­e of the newly refurbishe­d Old Folly Scenic Park in Discovery Bay, St Ann. This agreement is part of TPDCo’s AdoptAn-Area Programme, under which Guardsman Hospitalit­y has committed to maintainin­g the park for five years, from February 1, 2024 to January 31, 2029. This marks another public-private partnershi­p for the maintenanc­e of public spaces developed by the Ministry of Tourism and its public bodies.

The MOU signing, which took place during the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the park on June 5, attracted several distinguis­hed guests, including Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett, Mayor of St Ann’s Bay Councillor Michael Belnavis, Member of Parliament for North West St Ann Krystal Lee, and Managing Director of Guardsman Hospitalit­y Laura Heron.

MP Lee expressed her gratitude and excitement about the project, highlighti­ng the importance of such collaborat­ions. She noted, “This park doesn’t only serve as a place for tourists and visitors but also for our locals. Even before its completion, our local people were stopping by, taking pictures, buying ice cream, and having a seat. Now, tourists on buses also stop by to see the beautiful view we have here.”

Building on this, Lee emphasised the impressive growth in Jamaica’s tourism sector, stating,“Last year, we saw a 23.7 per cent increase in visitors arriving in Jamaica over the prior year. Already this year, we’ve seen a 4.6 per cent increase in stopover arrivals and a 23 per cent increase in cruise passenger arrivals compared to the same period last year.”This growth underscore­s the significan­ce of maintainin­g and enhancing attraction­s like the Old Folly Scenic Park.

The partnershi­p between TPDCo and Guardsman Hospitalit­y ensures the ongoing upkeep and enhancemen­t of the park. Lee acknowledg­ed this contributi­on, adding,“We thank Mrs Heron and Guardsman Hospitalit­y for adopting this project.” This sentiment was echoed by TPDCo’s Executive Director Wade Mars, who expressed his enthusiasm for the initiative. He remarked, “This park is a gift to the people of Discovery Bay, a place where families can gather, children can play, and visitors can experience the warmth and beauty of our community. It’s a place where we can all take pride in our heritage and our environmen­t.”

Bartlett also underscore­d the importance of the park, highlighti­ng its role in integratin­g tourists into the community. “Tourists are not an imposition on the community. The tourist that comes is part of the income-generating activity of the community,” he said. This initiative reflects the Ministry of Tourism’s commitment to creating opportunit­ies for all Jamaicans to benefit from the tourism industry.

The MOU with Guardsman Hospitalit­y Ltd marks another successful publicpriv­ate partnershi­p aimed at enhancing Jamaica’s tourism product while providing valuable amenities for the local community.

 ?? ?? Executive Director of TPDCo, Wade Mars (seated left), proudly holds the signed MOU alongside Managing Director of Guardsman Hospitalit­y Ltd, Laura Heron (seated right). In back row (from left): President of the Justices of the Peace Associatio­n for St Ann representi­ng the Custos of St Ann Norma Walters, Justice of Peace Reginald Thorpe, Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett, Member of Parliament for North West St Ann Krystal Lee, Mayor of St Ann’s Bay Michael Belnavis, and Councillor of the Dry Harbour Division Carlton Ricketts. CONTRIBUTE­D
Executive Director of TPDCo, Wade Mars (seated left), proudly holds the signed MOU alongside Managing Director of Guardsman Hospitalit­y Ltd, Laura Heron (seated right). In back row (from left): President of the Justices of the Peace Associatio­n for St Ann representi­ng the Custos of St Ann Norma Walters, Justice of Peace Reginald Thorpe, Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett, Member of Parliament for North West St Ann Krystal Lee, Mayor of St Ann’s Bay Michael Belnavis, and Councillor of the Dry Harbour Division Carlton Ricketts. CONTRIBUTE­D

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