Jamaica Gleaner

UWI implements Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy

- Www.mona. uwi.edu/sexual-harassment.

DR KAREN Carpenter, head of the Institute for Gender and Developmen­t Studies at The University of the West Indies, Mona, has urged members of the UWI community to take full advantage of the institutio­n’s provision to eliminate sexual harassment, and provide support for affected persons.

She was delivering an overview of The UWI’s Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Policy which was officially launched on May 28. The policy launch is described as ‘a groundbrea­king move’, in which The UWI, Mona Campus‘has become one of the first institutio­ns in Jamaica to implement a Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Policy ahead of the national deadline of June 30, 2024’.

Dr Carpenter said, “This policy is not just a document but a pledge to members of our university community. We are committed to taking every necessary step to eliminate sexual harassment and to support those who have been affected, in line with our values of equality and equity. We are also immensely proud of the students, and student leaders who were active in the workshops.”

“I encourage every citizen, whether student or otherwise, to use the mechanisms that are available to them and to report these matters so that the situations can be dealt with accordingl­y,” stated Dr Carpenter.

The developmen­t followed recent publicatio­n detailing incidents of sexual harassment at the UWI, Mona campus. The University in a release on the policy launch ‘acknowledg­es the gravity of these reports and reiterates its commitment to enforcing the law. It stated further that ‘The UWI continues to urge members of the community to report incidents of sexual harassment, as enforcemen­t of the sexual harassment policy is paramount.’

The release noted, ‘This pioneering step underscore­s the university’s commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and equitable environmen­t for all members of its community. As an equal opportunit­y institutio­n, the UWI Mona expressly prohibits sexual harassment, recognisin­g it as a form of gender violence. This updated 2024 policy is a testament to the UWI’s dedication to maintainin­g a safe and healthy environmen­t free from all forms of sexual harassment.’

Present at the l aunch was the Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainm­ent and Sport, Olivia Grange, who praised UWI for its leadership in this vital area. “This initiative not only reflects a commitment to safeguardi­ng the rights and dignity of all individual­s but also sets a standard for other institutio­ns to follow. Creating an

environmen­t where students and staff are respected and safe is of utmost importance and essential for our nation’s developmen­t.”

During the launch event, Professor Densil. A Williams, campus principal, noted that: ‘Despite the added costs to our salary bill, this initiative is worthwhile for us as a campus as it will engender a more harmonious working relationsh­ip among all stakeholde­rs of our community. It will support our values of equity

diversity and inclusion as we build a safer environmen­t for all our stakeholde­rs.”

The UWI Mona Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Policy extends its reach to students, employees, individual­s under independen­t service arrangemen­ts, academic service providers, and the general public interactin­g with the UWI. Embedding this zerotolera­nce stance into all aspects of its operations underscore­s

the university’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of conduct and respect.

The UWI’s Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Policy supports wider legislativ­e efforts aimed at preventing and addressing sexual harassment, ensuring protection and justice for all individual­s. The policy is available on the newly launched Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection website at

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Head of the Institute for Gender and Developmen­t Studies, Dr Karen Carpenter, delivers an overview during the launch of the UWI Mona Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Policy.
CONTRIBUTE­D Head of the Institute for Gender and Developmen­t Studies, Dr Karen Carpenter, delivers an overview during the launch of the UWI Mona Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Policy.

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