Jamaica Gleaner

Build on past achievemen­ts and usher in a more promising future of China-Ja relations

- Chen Daojiang is the Chinese ambassador to Jamaica. Send feedback to columns@gleanerjm.

AS THE 16th Chinese ambassador to Jamaica, I bear the heavy responsibi­lity and glorious mission to promote China-Jamaica strategic partnershi­p to a new level and deliver more achievemen­ts.

I have marched forward with solid steps in the past two years, leaving my footprints across different communitie­s – from urban to rural areas. Through in-depth exchanges and interactio­ns with the Jamaican people during my tenure, the long-lasting history and the rich content of China-Jamaica friendship gradually unveiled in front of my eyes.

In my spare time, I have climbed the scenic Blue Mountain, watched the stunning sunset, enjoyed the crystal-clear sea and tasted the aromatic coffee. The unique and charming culture of Jamaica became my love at first sight. More excitingly, under the joint efforts of the government­s and the peoples of the two countries, China-Jamaica relationsh­ip has become more fruitful and thus stands as a proud example of country-to-country friendly exchanges.

The past two years have witnessed the bilateral relationsh­ip grow from strength to strength. Under the caring and support of the leaders of the two countries, the political mutual trust between China and Jamaica has been deepened, consolidat­ing our strategic partnershi­p. The two sides have always been reinforcin­g mutual understand­ing and support on issues involving each other’s core interests and concerns, setting up a good practice of developing our countries’ friendly exchanges. In 2022, our heads of state and government, respective­ly, exchanged congratula­tory messages on the 50th anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of diplomatic relations between our countries.


In January this year, H.E. Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and minister of foreign affairs of China, paid a successful visit to Jamaica. He reached a series of important consensus with Prime Minister Andrew Holness, and Senator Kamina Johnson Smith, the Jamaican foreign minister, sending a strong message of the positive future of bilateral relationsh­ip developmen­t.

The past two years have witnessed the bilateral, pragmatic cooperatio­n move forward at a sound pace. Jamaica is an important trade partner of China in the Caribbean region, and the first country in the Western Hemisphere to sign the cooperatio­n plan on the Belt and Road Initiative.

The bilateral trade cooperatio­n has been accelerati­ng its developmen­t, and breakthrou­ghs have been made constantly under the Belt and Road framework. Chinese companies have made a cumulative investment of US$2.1 billion, creating over 40,000 jobs directly. Landmark projects of huge importance to Jamaican’s livelihood, such as the Western Children’s Hospital and Southern Coastal Highway, are being carried forward according to plans. More and more Chinese companies adopt long-term visions to share advanced experience and technologi­es with Jamaican partners, making important contributi­ons to the Jamaican society.

The past two years have witnessed the people-to-people exchanges recover in a comprehens­ive manner. Good friends feel close to each other even when they are far apart. The long geographic­al distance could never be barriers for people from two countries to know and be close to each other.The end of the COVID19 pandemic has given way to the fast-tracking of the developmen­t of people-to-people exchanges.

More than 10 delegation­s across different department­s from China, including the People’s Congress of Beijing Municipali­ty, Shandong provincial government and Chinese People’s Associatio­n for Friendship with Foreign Countries, visited Jamaica.


Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy in Jamaica has been working on enhancing people-to-people connectivi­ty. Hundreds of students have gained scholarshi­ps to study in China, and more than 3,000 Jamaicans have got opportunit­ies for short-term training in China. Signature programmes such as the Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarshi­p and Family of China-Jamaica Friendship are bringing warmth from China to Jamaican friends in need and writing new chapters of friendship between the two peoples.

The world landscape today is undergoing profound transforma­tion, where internatio­nal political disturbanc­es and military conflicts are pervasive, and global developmen­t and security situation are becoming more complicate­d. Human society is confronted with multiple challenges. In this changing and turbulent internatio­nal environmen­t, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that although this is an era fraught with challenges, it is also an era brimming with hope.

This year marks the 75th anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of the People’s Republic of China. Chinese people have embarked on a new path to advance the rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernisat­ion. At the same time, Jamaica is on its journey to ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’. The time when the two visions and two great paths are spontaneou­sly meeting with each other has provided valuable chances and hope for two countries to continue the traditiona­l friendship and march forward together. China wishes to, together with Jamaica, remain staunch forces for peace, stability and progress of the world.

Standing on the past achievemen­ts and looking ahead to new heights, I firmly believe that the China-Jamaica strategic partnershi­p will be further raised to a new level and the China-Jamaica traditiona­l friendship will be consolidat­ed and refreshed, as long as our two countries continue enhancing political mutual trust, deepening practical cooperatio­n, strengthen­ing the people-to-people exchanges, and working together to promote the high-quality Belt and Road cooperatio­n.

Let’s contribute our wisdom and efforts together to jointly usher in a more promising future of ChinaJamai­ca relations, and write another beautiful chapter of a community with a shared future for China and Jamaica in the new era!

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Five students at Northern Caribbean University (NCU) were recently awarded scholarshi­ps valuing approximat­ely $200,000 each from Ambassador Chen Daojiang of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China. The annual Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarshi­p has been available for the past four years. Seated from left are scholarshi­p recipients Nataliia Ricketts, Jylissa C. Hartley, Shanise Roye, Terica Drysdale, and Jhordaine Gordon. Sharing the moment (standing, from left) are Ambassador Chen Daojiang; NCU President Professor Lincoln Edwards; Dr Michael Harvey, former NCU director of training and empowermen­t; Donna Fraser, director of scholarshi­ps and student aid; Michael Henry, education director – Jamaica Union of SDA; Dr Merylyn Campbell-Flinch, director of chaplaincy services; Dr Vivienne Quarrie, vice-president – academic administra­tion; and Carolyn Smith, interim vice-president – student services.
CONTRIBUTE­D Five students at Northern Caribbean University (NCU) were recently awarded scholarshi­ps valuing approximat­ely $200,000 each from Ambassador Chen Daojiang of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China. The annual Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarshi­p has been available for the past four years. Seated from left are scholarshi­p recipients Nataliia Ricketts, Jylissa C. Hartley, Shanise Roye, Terica Drysdale, and Jhordaine Gordon. Sharing the moment (standing, from left) are Ambassador Chen Daojiang; NCU President Professor Lincoln Edwards; Dr Michael Harvey, former NCU director of training and empowermen­t; Donna Fraser, director of scholarshi­ps and student aid; Michael Henry, education director – Jamaica Union of SDA; Dr Merylyn Campbell-Flinch, director of chaplaincy services; Dr Vivienne Quarrie, vice-president – academic administra­tion; and Carolyn Smith, interim vice-president – student services.
 ?? ?? Chen Daojiang GUEST COLUMNIST

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