Wexford People




Weekend Mass Schedule - Saturday: Cleariesto­wn 6pm–Caroreigh 8pm. Sunday: Trinity 9am–Taghmon 10.15am– Rathangan 11.30am

Weekday Mass Schedule - Tuesday: Cleariesto­wn 9.30am. Wednesday: Caroreigh 9.30am. Thursday: Rathangan 9.30am. Friday: Taghmon 9.30am.

Jubilee Celebratio­ns - A night of celebratio­n is planned for Fr. Robert McGuire on Friday 1st November - more details will follow in future issues.


CALENDARS - We are currently working on assembling our 2025 Calendar, many thanks to everyone who loaned us photograph­s for inclusion.

PHOTOBOOK - Our Photobook ‘Taghmon Through the Years’ is still on sale at €25. A fabulous keepsake, or wonderful gift for friends visiting.

JOURNALS - We would like to remind you to pick up our Journal at €20, available to purchase from all usual outlets and History Society Members. We have commenced work on our next Journal, if you have an article you are interested in including, please do contact us. We are actively seeking new articles.

Checkout our Facebook page for any other queries. You can reach us at email: kaynolando­yle@gmail.com


DANCING AT CAMROSS - Next monthly dance is on Friday 6th September, dancing to the ever-popular Olivia Douglas. Admission is €10 including The Tea. Dancing 9pm till late.

DRAMA TABLE QUIZ - Camross drama group will hold a Table Quiz in Camross Hall on Friday 20th September at 8.30pm. Table of 4 costs €20 to enter. There will be lots of spot prizes and there will be raffle of course. We would value your support please.

CAMROSS HALL 100 - 2024 is a very special year for Camross Hall as we celebrate our Centenary Year, 100 years since the original Hall was built. We have lots of exciting events planned for 2024 and look forward to your patronage.


Taghmon Action Group Bingo continues every Tuesday night in TAG Centre Taghmon Y35C2DE. Starts at 7.30pm–doors open at 7pm. Jackpot €850. Also on the night is Quick Bingo this Jackpot is €975 and a chance to win €25 on the night. Tickets €1.

CONNECTED HUBS - Bookings can now be made for the TAG Digital Hub on the Connected Hubs website at https://connectedh­ubs.ie/hubs/profile/4346 Call into the TAG office also for informatio­n and viewing of the hubs.

LINE DANCING - Every Thursday evening 7.30–8.45pm in TAG Centre Taghmon Y35C2DE. Contact Clare: 087–7612560 for more informatio­n.

ZUMBA CLASSES - Wednesday 6.15–7.15pm and Thursday 11.30am–12.30pm Contact Tetiana 085 2060467 for more details.


Congratula­tions to this week’s split the powinners Dolores and Michael winning an amazing €515.

Taghmon United AFC split the pot is now available online. See our Facebook page for more details. Normal purchase of envelopes in the shops is still available also. We thank you all for your continued support.


Rehearsals are well under way for our 3 One Act plays with local performanc­es TBA in Autumn. The group will also compete in the DLI/ADCI One Act theatre festival in October/November with “The Chip Van Plays Dixie” by Robert Iles.

We are holding a fundraisin­g Table Quiz on Friday 20th September at 8.30pm in Camross Hall. Tables of 4 are €20, great prizes plus usual raffle. Please come along for some fun, brain exercise and to raise much needed funds for your local drama group We would value your support please.


If you would like a notice included, please email kaynolando­yle@gmail.com

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