Wexford People

Making the correct decisions for your new home


IF YOU are moving into a new build and have to start from scratch there are many things to consider.

For example, you may wish to adopt an energy efficient approach and install wind turbines and solar panels. According to Citizens Informatio­n, you can install a wind turbine for domestic use as long as: - it is not attached to a structure, is not more than 13 metres high, has a rotor diameter of less than six metres, there is a clearance of at least three metres between the tip of the rotor and the ground - you do not need to get planning permission to fit solar panels to the roof of your house.

In 2022, restrictio­ns on the number of rooftop solar panels you could install were removed and you can now cover your whole roof without needing planning permission. You can install freestandi­ng solar panels at your house without needing planning permission as long as: They are less than 2.5 metres above ground. They don’t cover more than 25 square metres. The private open space to the rear or side of the house is not reduced to less than 25 square metres.

With all this energy and insulation the next step is to make sure your home is nice and cosy courtesy of a stove. Wood-burning and other fuelled home stoves have become very popular in our houses in recent years, as people realise the problems with open fires and the associated ventilatio­n heat losses, even when not in use.

Home stoves allow greater control of the burning rate and thus heat output and are more efficient, making better use of the fuel. Heating up the body of a stove allows it to radiate heat from all sides, providing a more even heat distributi­on. And, of course, they come in a wide range of styles that make a contributi­on to the interior décor of a room.

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