Wexford People

Library promotes book to help children bereaved by suicide


ENNISCORTH­Y library are promoting a free book to help children who are bereaved by suicide to understand and manoeuvre their grief and sense of loss.

A staff member from the library took to social media to let families and carers know about newly published picture book ‘ Safe Harbour’ by `Patricia Forde, illustrate­d by visual artist Bronagh Lee.

‘Safe Harbour’ is told through the narrative lens of a young child whose dad passed away by suicide and contains words and illustrati­ons that thoughtful­ly reflects the journey the child goes on as they come to terms with their grief.

The book was launched as a HSE resource in June by Mary Butler TD and Minister for Mental Health and and Older Persons.

Speaking at the official launch she said: “this is a beautiful book, and I greatly welcome every opportunit­y to come together to further break down the silence or barriers surroundin­g suicide. Suicide is a major public health issue and each suicide directly affects many people, their families and communitie­s.”

Bernard Gloster, HSE Chief Executive Officer said: “It is my great pleasure to endorse Safe Harbour - and its accompanyi­ng resources - produced by the HSE in Dublin and the Midlands, the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention, and the Irish Childhood Bereavemen­t Network within the Irish Hospice Foundation.”

“Thank you to everyone who collaborat­ed on this heartfelt project - the result of which is a beautiful suite of evidence-informed, and meaningful resources to support any parent or carer in having compassion­ate, age-appropriat­e conversati­ons about suicide, safely with their children,” he added.

John Meehan, HSE Assistant National Director and Head of the National Office of Suicide Prevention, said this was a valuable resource given the statistics of suicide in Ireland.

“Over 90% of people who have been bereaved by suicide in Ireland, received support from their family, friends or community in the first instance. To this end, we are very proud to introduce Safe Harbour - a remarkable beacon of hope that brings reassuranc­e to parents and carers, that these tender conversati­ons are always possible,” he said.

In their Facebook post, Enniscorth­y library recognised that helping a child navigate their grief can be overwhelmi­ng, especially if the parents trying to manage their own at the same time.

“There has never been a resource like this for parents and carers before. This book and the accompanyi­ng guide, gives parents a language to talk about suicide with a child,” they said.

The book is also available in Irish, as an audiobook, has a podcast series and there are activities for children available on the official website. To request printed copies, please email safeharbou­r@nosp.ie.

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