Wexford People

Dogs ditched at roadside may have had deadly, contagious virus


IT’S happened twice in the space of less than a week. WSPCA inspectors have been called to a roadside in rural Wexford, where they’ve discovered sick and dying pups wrapped up and discarded.

Both pups were dumped in the same area – near the village of Taghmon – and both seemed to be from the same litter. The first, discovered wrapped in a pair of green tracksuit bottoms, was already dead when it was discovered. The second was rushed to the vets, but also sadly died this (Friday) afternoon.

While the fate of these poor animals was bad enough, the animal cruelty organisati­on has major fears that both pups may have been infected with parvovirus – a highly contagious and often deadly disease.

Dog wardens and WSPCA inspectors have been carrying out inquiries in the area, as they fear that there may well be more desperatel­y ill dogs where these pups have come from and there’s the potential to spread the virus to others.

“Both pups were found a few days apart in a relatively close area,” Brigid Cullen of the WSPCA said this morning. “I don’t think this second little pup is going to make it.”

“We believe the pups may have been infected with parvovirus, which is an awful disease that causes them to bleed internally. If dogs are vaccinated, they have some chance against it. But it can be deadly.”

Brigid says that they have major concerns that a whole litter of pups might be infected and the last thing they want to see is more dead or dying pups appearing on Wexford roadsides.

“If there’s one or two, there’s likely more pups that are dead or dying,” she said. “Someone in this area must have a litter of very sick puppies that are suffering. It’s hard to track them though. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

The WSPCA issued an appeal for the owners of any remaining sick pups to come forward.

“The rest of the litter will need urgent treatment and we will help,” she said. “Anything is better than dumping these dogs on the side of the road. If you are this person, please contact the WSPCA and don’t let the suffering continue.

“This is a deadly disease in dogs and it’s very contagious. You’d have to get rid of their bedding and water bowls and everything.”

Dog owners in the Taghmon area are also warned to be careful in the event of stumbling across any other dead pups at the roadside, as the virus is easily transmitte­d.

In the meantime, anyone with any informatio­n is asked to contact the WSPCA on 0539143919.

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