Wexford People

Major extension to CCTV network in Wexford rolled out


NEARLY four years after they were first touted, brand new CCTV cameras have been rolled out at strategic locations across Wexford town.

Among the new locations now covered by the town’s CCTV network are Min Ryan Park, Redmond Park, Lower King Street and Roman Lane, as well as Carrigfoyl­e in Barntown.

It’s been a long drawn out process to reach this point. Back in 2022, the local authority was left red-faced to find that, despite two years of discussion, no tangible progress had been made on expanding the CCTV network and they would have to start from scratch.

Following on from this, there were lengthy delays as the council went through a 48-step process, including a lengthy stint where the applicatio­n was left languishin­g on the desk of the garda Commission­er.

However, installati­on works been ongoing in recent weeks, with 13 cameras installed at Min Ryan Park and three at Redmond Park, both of which have seen vandalism incidents in the recent past.

The installati­on of cameras on King Street will also be welcomed, with a man in his 30s having been stabbed there in a high-profile incident back in June.

“I’m delighted that we’ve finally got this over the line,” Mayor of Wexford, George Lawlor, said.

“It’s been a long drawn-out process and one that needs to be streamline­d. There’s a whole 48-step process that needs to be gone through and it’s incredibly tedious, especially given the rise in anti-social behaviour and crime and how CCTV cameras are becoming a key component in policing.

“I’m sure an Garda Síochána will welcome this.”

The cameras are all connected directly to Wexford Garda Station.

Referencin­g recent calls for a pop-up garda station on Wexford’s Main Street, Cllr Lawlor concluded by saying: “I was present in the control room for the Fleadh and saw how gardaí monitored 44 different areas with CCTV. It was tremendous how it operated and members were directed towards any incident the minute it came up.

“I would suggest that, rather than renting more offices to have more gardaí behind desks, it’s boots on the ground is what we need. We need to push for more garda resources to make this achievable.”

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