Wexford People

Bannow-Ballymitty’s win creates lots of excitement


BANNOW-BALLYMITTY were a happy bunch when they made the most of their chances to defeat Blackwater in the Junior ‘D’ camogie league final in the Halo Tiles Centre of Excellence.

It was a display full of grit and enthusiasm, and one of the proudest onlookers was Breda O’Sullivan – a Wexford camogie volunteer of the year award winner – who has been devoted to the promotion of the game in the club for such a long time.

Breda received a special mention from Corinna Sheil, Co. Secretary, before she made the presentati­on to joint-captains Pam Fitzharris and Suzannah Murphy after a hard-fought contest.

Bannow-Ballymitty held an interval lead of 2-3 to 1-0, with Rachel Gaynor and Aoife Dempsey registerin­g the goals while Catherine Hayes (two) and Fitzharris added points.

And Dempsey completed a double in the second-half, before a long-range strike from Fitzharris closed the scoring for the New Ross District side.

Blackwater had a player dismissed in between, but they kept plugging away and peppered their rivals’ goal with a succession of scoring attempts in the closing stages.

However, a combinatio­n of strong defending and unlucky finishing kept them at bay, and they were unable to add to the green flags raised by Ellen Roche and Ella O’Brien respective­ly.

Bannow-Ballymitty: Anna Harpur; Kate Harpur, Kayleigh Sinnott; Ann Rossiter, Aideen Harpur, Lani Ryan; Pam Fitzharris (joint-capt., 1-1), Suzannah Murphy (joint-capt.); Siobhán

Rossiter, Catherine Hayes (0-2), Rachel Gaynor (1-0); Pam McCormack, Aoife Dempsey (2-0). Subs. – Louise Byrne, Sophie Power, Sarah Gaynor, Alicia Roche (all used), also Gráinne Foley, Carragh Whelan, Jess Finn, Lucy O’Sullivan, Serena Reville, Sophie Scallan, Ciara Cummins.

Blackwater: Barbara Leacy; Anne Marie Walsh, Siobhán Lillis; Grace Sutton, Isabella Cashe, Aoibhinn Roche; Laura Doyle, Elizabeth Whelan; Emma Cullen, Chloe Murphy, Leah Rossiter; Anne Marie Lillis, Ellen Roche (1-0). Subs. – Nicole Power, Ella O’Brien (1-0), Siobhán Byrne, Shelly Doyle, Eirinn O’Brien, Cathríona Roche, Fiona Kelly (all used), also Elizabeth Storey, Emma Rath, Rebecca Power, Orla Roche, Clodagh Whelan, Eimear Whelan, Elaine McGuinness, Rachel Leacy, Aishling Murphy, Cara McGoldrick, Aoife Roche, Ciara Whelan, Molly O’Brien, India McKenzie-Young.

Referee: John O’Rourke (Davidstown-Courtnacud­dy).

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