The Kerryman (North Kerry)

€27k raised for Tralee girl (3) with leukemia


AN online fundraiser set up to help cover both the travel and medical costs of a three-yearold Tralee girl who was recently diagnosed with leukemia has raised a whopping €27k in just three days.

Hannah Murphy (3) is the daughter of Cork’s Craig Murphy and Tralee native Tracey Murphy with the family residing in Tralee.

The fundraiser was set up by friends of both Craig and Hannah to, in their own words “support them during this unimaginab­ly difficult time” after their “world was turned upside down” with Hannah’s unexpected diagnosis.

Described as a “bright, joyful little girl” who who has brought so much love and light into the lives of everyone who knows her, she will need to endure a difficult road ahead as she faces travelling from their home in Kerry to Dublin once a week for the foreseeabl­e future to receive life-saving treatment.

Her parents, Craig and Tracey, are doing everything they can to support Hannah through this, but the emotional and financial toll of weekly overnight trips to Dublin, time away from work, and the ongoing medical expenses are immense.

Craig and Tracey, posting on the fundraisin­g page on Sunday, expressed their sincerest thanks and gratitude for everyone’s support, kind words and generous donations.

“We are truly overwhelme­d. Words cannot express how grateful and humbled we are. Hannah’s diagnosis came as a great shock to us. However, the staff at Crumlin, Tralee General Hospital, along with our family and friends have made this difficult road somewhat easier,” they said.

“I am very lucky to have such an amazing group of friends. In a time of need, they rallied together and set this GoFundMe up on our behalf. Our families have been a constant day to day support and we are equally grateful to have them in our lives also,” said Craig.

“Hannah is the most amazing little girl. She is our world and as you can imagine, it is difficult to see the effects that this illness has had on her. But Hannah is tough, strong, independen­t and above all, a fighter. She will come out of this on the right side and will beat this illness. We’ll be with her every step of the way, and we look forward to better days ahead. Thank you all once again,” Craig and Tracey added.

Anyone wishing to donate can do so through the link in the online version of this article.

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