The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Storytelli­ng festival ready to tell a tale


THE sixth annual Listowel Storytelli­ng Festival is set to kick off this coming Thursday, September 19 and will run until Sunday, September 22.

The event, coupled with the annual Culture Night that takes place on September 20, will see Listowel transform into the cultural heartbeat of North Kerry, offering a vibrant array of events that honour and celebrate the region’s rich heritage and traditions.

Over the course of the few days of the festival, there will be rich schedule of performanc­es, workshops, story swaps, art exhibition­s, lectures and music sessions to keep people of all ages well and truly entertaine­d. This festival is described by organisers as “a unique opportunit­y to experience Kerry’s storytelli­ng prowess alongside invited guests, celebratin­g the universal power of oral traditions.”

Events kick off on Thursday September 19 with a biodiversi­ty walk along the River Feale followed by the launch of two art exhibition­s by Listowel Visual Artists Collective members Godfrey Coppinger and Jean McNamara.

Speaking to The Kerryman this week, Cara Trant from the Kerry Writers’ Museum gave a run down of what people can expect from this year’s festival.

“It’s a celebratio­n of the great old tradition of storytelli­ng and cultural traditions of both Kerry and the wider region. We have invited guests as well so we get to hear stories being shared from different parts of the Ireland and the world. It’s a festival where we celebrate a broader definition of storytelli­ng. We consider it [storytelli­ng] a broad term. There’s storytelli­ng music, poetry, song and because of this, we have various arts events on over the weekend,” she said.

“Our guest storytelle­rs this year are people like Shane Ibbs, who is a UK based storytelle­r. He has performed all over the world but I think that this will be his first time performing on an Irish stage. Another performer will be Maria Gillen and she’ll be a returning act. She’s from Cork and has been a great supporter of our festival here and just a fantastic storytelle­r as well.”

“One of the big shows that we will have on Saturday night is Pakie O’Callaghan.

He’a Cork man and he has developed a one-man show celebratin­g the stories of the great Kerry seanchaí Eamon Kelly. That is on in St John’s Theatre on Saturday night and it should be a wonderful occasion. From Dublin then, we have Mary Kate O’Flanagan. She is one of the new storytelle­rs on the block but she has developed a one-woman show called ‘Making a Show of Myself ’ and again, this should be amazing,” Cara continued.

Younger audience will be able to enjoy the ever-popular Children’s Storytime and new to this year’s programme is Clan Life Living History Display from The Last Prince storytelle­rs.

The weekend will also feature a series of lectures on local folklore by Tom Dillon and Ciarán Walsh and a special lecture by Owen McMahon on Listowel Drama Group to mark the 80th anniversar­y of the group’s establishm­ent. Poets Gabriel Fitzmauric­e and Paddy Bushe will also be launching new books at the festival.

Kerry Writers’ Museum added that they would like to thank the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media; Kerry County Council and Fáilte Ireland for their support of the 2024 festival.

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