The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Families want HSE to take over Ocean View nursing home


THE families of residents at Ocean View Nursing Home in Camp have vowed to fight against any planned closure that could see some residents being transferre­d outside the county.

The concerns follow a recent HIQA announceme­nt that the HSE is to become the interim care provider at Ocean View after HIQA cancelled the registrati­on of Ocean View Care Home Camp LTD as an approved provider of residentia­l care.

However, fears remain that the HSE may yet decide to close the west Kerry-based facility, resulting in alterative living and care arrangemen­ts for its residents. Ocean View also supports over 50 rural jobs.

Ailbhe Keoghan’s father is a resident at Ocean View and he is determined to stay put. She feels the crisis is about funding, not care, and that Ocean View could serve as a national template for how the HSE-run care homes for the elderly.

“My father is compos mentis and has full agency over all his medical decisions. I can’t move him so he has to agree to it. He is not moving and is ready for the long fight,” Ailbhe said.

“We are very focused in what we want, which is to convince the government to take over Ocean View. It’s something we’re saying should happen. Our elderly population is growing and Ocean View could be a model case going forward. Its care has been commended by HIQA,” she added.

Ailbhe said Ocean View provides excellent care from its purpose-built facility for 32-years. With a chronic shortage of good homes for the elderly in rural Ireland, she insists it is more important than ever that Ocean View remains open.

Since last Friday, families set up an online petition to amass signatures in support of their campaign. They plan to hand the signatures to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, and Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler.

Ailbhe believes that housing and caring for the elderly should no longer be a private operation, and the state should intervene to build better state-led care.

“It makes no sense to close what is a viable nursing home. The HSE has been lumped with a problem they don’t want. But they’re saying its not in their business to take over private care homes,” she said.

“We’re saying it is in your business to provide human-centred care in rural communitie­s to people who have lived there all their lives and paid taxes. It is within the HSE’s remit to save this,” Ailbhe added.

Supporters of Ocean View are prepared to fundraise in support

securing the building, but as it is not owned by the HSE it makes it difficult. The hope is the government will intervene and purchase the building and add much needed beds to the system.

“We’re asking the government to change tack and create that legal and financial framework of healthcare for our elderly. The elderly at Ocean View are so fragile. One woman has been resident there for 12-years,” Ailbhe said.

“What our campaign is essentiall­y saying is that this is their home. You can’t just find an equivalent bed anywhere in the country. It’s inhuman, unethical and against their human rights to pluck them out of this home. We need as many signatures as possible to present to Minister Donnelly,” Ailbhe said.

To add your signature to the ’Keep Ocean View Nursing Home Open’ campaign, visit https://

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