Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Auto advice

Our motoring editor answers your questions on the new CSO figures for vehicle licensing in 2024

- Contact Geraldine: email sundaymoto­rs@independen­

Q How did the number of new private cars licensed in Ireland fare in the first seven months of 2024, compared to the same period in 2023?

A Ireland saw a modest uptick in the number of new private cars licensed during the first seven months of 2024. Specifical­ly, there was a 3pc increase, with 94,231 new cars hitting the roads between January and July 2024, up from 91,272 during the same time period in 2023.

Q What about new EVs — how do they stack up against last year’s sales?

A The number of new electric cars dropped by 24pc compared to the same period in 2023. In the first seven months of 2024, there were 12,765 new electric cars registered, down from 16,766 in 2023. This means EVs slipped from making up 18pc of new cars in 2023, to just 14pc of new cars so far in 2024.

Q Did petrol and hybrid vehicles see an increase in popularity compared to 2023?

A Hybrid vehicles had a strong showing in the first seven months of 2024. There was a 33pc surge in the number of petrol and hybrids licensed.

In numbers, that’s 19,230 hybrids registered in 2024, compared to 14,465 in the same period of 2023.

Q What happened with petrol and diesel vehicles so far this year?

A The market for petrol and diesel vehicles remained fairly stable overall, holding a consistent 56pc share of new private cars licensed year-to-date, just like in 2023. However, there were some small shifts within this category. Petrol registrati­ons dipped by 1pc, from 31,155 in 2023 to 30,911 in 2024.

But diesel saw a bit of a comeback, with a 10pc increase in numbers licensed, jumping from 19,653 in 2023 to 21,624 in 2024.

Q Which car brands topped the charts in July 2024?

A In July 2024, Toyota took the crown as the most popular brand, with 2,546 new units. Hot on its heels was VW, clocking in 2,456 units, followed by Hyundai with 2,164. Skoda and Kia rounded out the top five with 1,600 and 1,393 units, respective­ly. Together, these five brands accounted for 55pc of all new private cars licensed that month, showing their strong hold in the market.

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