Sunday Independent (Ireland)

China is accused of ‘ramming’ Filipino ship in disputed waters


China and the Philippine­s have accused each other of causing a collision between two vessels in the latest flare-up over disputed waters and maritime features in the South China Sea.

Chinese coast guard spokespers­on Liu Dejun was quoted as saying a Philippine ship manoeuvred and “deliberate­ly collided” with a Chinese coast guard ship “in an unprofessi­onal and dangerous manner”.

Philippine officials in Manila said it was their coast guard ship, the BRP Teresa Magbanua, that was rammed three times by the Chinese coast guard without any provocatio­n, causing damage to the Philippine vessel.

The incident is the second confrontat­ion in days near Sabina Shoal, about 130km west of the Philippine province of Palawan, in the internatio­nally recognised exclusive economic zone of the Philippine­s.

The Magbanua has been anchored in Sabina since mid-April after Manila suspected China may construct a structure to seize the uninhabite­d atoll.

China harboured the same suspicions and recently filed a diplomatic protest against the Philippine­s due to the ship’s prolonged presence at the shoal.

Beijing is rapidly expanding its military and has become increasing­ly assertive in pursuing its claim to virtually the entire South China Sea, which is crucial to internatio­nal trade.

The tensions have led to more frequent confrontat­ions, primarily with the Philippine­s, and could drag in the US, which is bound by a treaty to defend the Philippine­s.

The long-time territoria­l disputes also involve other claimants including Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.

China has rejected a ruling by a UN-backed arbitratio­n panel that negated almost all of its historical­ly based claims in the South China Sea.

The US condemned “the multiple dangerous violations of internatio­nal law by the PRC (People’s Republic of China), including today’s intentiona­l ramming of the BRP Teresa Magbanua while it was conducting lawful operations”.

America has repeatedly warned that it is obligated to defend the Philippine­s if Filipino forces come under an armed attack in the South China Sea.

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