New Ross Standard

Taghmon Historical Society celebrate busy 30 years



A decision made 30 years ago to record and celebrate the history of Taghmon led to the foundation of the Taghmon History Society.

In a world of constant change and advancemen­t, sometimes it’s nice to stop and recall the past, founding member Seamus Seery believed. Seamus encouraged a group of people to meet on December 5,1994, and from this meeting was born the Taghmon History Society.

Historical records have establishe­d Taghmon Parish has been inhabited since as early as 595 A.D. In 1997 the fourteenth hundred anniversar­y of its foundation was celebrated.

The first officers were chairman Tom Williams, vice chairman Brendan Hamilton, secretary Maria Colfer, PRO Jackie Hancock, joint treasurers Michael Doyle and Seamus

Murphy, journal editor Tom Williams, backed by the other members of the council: Seamus Seery, Rita Curtis, Rufina Walsh, Paddy O’Reilly, David Roche and Margaret O’Gorman.

“A lot of water has passed though Modubeg since then and various committees have served since,” said current secretary Kay Doyle.

“During Covid due to restrictio­ns, everything changed, though the committee of the time did publish the annual calendar.”

In February 2022 the committee reformed under the direction of the current officers; president Paddy O’Reilly, chairman

Michael Doyle, vice chair May Buttimer, secretary and PRO Kay Doyle, joint treasures Catherine Seery and Tom Wickham, journal editor Liz Wickham backed by a council comprising of Nuala Carroll, Teresa Wickham, Paul Codd and Marie O’Rourke.

“Work began immediatel­y on our ‘Taghmon through the years’ photobook, and our 2023 calendar. Both were published late October. In 2023 the 13th Journal and 2024 calendar were published.

“We were working with the committee to capture the stories before they are lost, hoping to engage with the community more to record everything for the future.

“We are currently working on our 2025 calendar, and possibly a folklore project. Membership is open to all persons showing interest in the support of the society’s objectives.”

As with the original committee, the current Taghmon Historical Society committee have the following aims:

To promote, research, encourage and make known the public study of aspects of Taghmon parish’s long and interestin­g history, by publishing a historical journal at regular intervals.

To attempt to interest the residents of the parish and particular­ly, the younger generation, in the history of their parish.

To promote the preservati­on, security, and accessibil­ity of archival material.

To interview residents of the parish and to get their memories committed to paper or computer.

To video or photograph buildings, places of historical interest or sites that are disappeari­ng.

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