New Ross Standard

Street food plaza and motorhome park in pipeline for district with school works also planned


PLANNING permission has been approved over recent weeks for several developmen­ts in the New Ross district, and a fresh applicatio­n has been lodged a motorhome park near the South East Greenway – complete with a food truck plaza.

Waterford based Tramoncal Limited has applied to New Ross Municipal District for permission to build a motor home park (4722 sq.m) to include 32 motor home pitches, a motor home waste disposal point, external bin storage, a sanitary facilities building (13.3 sq.m) a reception building (13.3 sq m), a street food plaza (234 sq. m) to include three street food trucks, outdoor seating area, pedestrian access gate to existing greenway, and all associated drainage connection­s and ancillary site works.

Delaney Concrete Ltd. Location : Tominearly and Tomfarney, Clonroche, has been granted planning permission for the change of use of an existing shed from retail to manufactur­ing precast concrete products including alteration­s and extensions to the shed together with all associated site works.

St. Marys Secondary School principal John Michael Porter has been granted permission for the provision of two number disabled access lifts and all associated site works at the school in Irishtown, New Ross.

A planning applicatio­n by Sue and Dee Donnellan for works in Duncannon, Ballyhack, has been part-approved and part-refused. The Donnellans sought permission for a proposed extension to their existing first floor residentia­l unit, change of use at ground floor from cafe to retail, alteration to existing elevations, new shopfront with backlit raised metal signage, which was approved by planners. However, the provision of a private car parking area with new boundary treatment to include two car parking spaces and provision of public open space has been refused.

Meanwhile Barbara Kelly on behalf of the Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory has applied for permission for the adaptation of the existing vestry space at St Mogue’s Church, a protected structure, for an accessible toilet and meeting room.

Business owners Derek and Cynthia Hanton, Camlin, Oldcourt, have sought retention permission for an extension at the rear elevation. They are also seeking permission for the retention of the extension at the front elevation, permission for retention for a takeaway and coffee, both separate portable units – along with outdoor sitting areas with all associated site works.

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