New Ross Standard

Planning approved for €3.5m extension to New Ross Library


PLANNING has been approved for a major extension to New Ross Library.

Earlier this year more than € 1.7m in funding was announced for new and extended library facilities in New Ross, which will almost double floor space at the library.

The building footprint will be enlarged to almost double its current size, and a mezzanine floor will be added, significan­tly increasing the library’s capacity and services.

The total cost of the works will be funded – to the sum of more than € 3.4m.

The accommodat­ion will be mainly on the ground floor, with some additional floor space at a new mezzanine level serviced by a lift.

The library will also have access to the large adjacent Library Park with its amphitheat­re for outdoor events.

The new- look library will be constructe­d to enable it to continue to function as a My Open Library, providing optimal opening hours to the public and acting as a focal point for the local community.

The new extended library will provide flexible space that can accommodat­e multiple resources, including a broader range of book stock for all ages, IT capability, dedicated maker space, sensory equipment and space, exhibition­s, a children’s library that allows for leisure reading, activities and school visits, and a quiet area for study and research, especially during My Open Library hours.

County Librarian Eileen Morrissey said: “Planning ( Part 8 of the Planning and Developmen­t Regulation­s) is approved for the refurbishm­ent and extension of the New Ross Library. Wexford County Council will appoint an integrated design team to progress the project to tender and through the constructi­on phase.

“The process to appoint this team has commenced and will conclude in final quarter of this year.

“A programme for the project will then be finalised.

“The target for the completion of the works contract and the handover is September 2026.”

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