New Ross Standard

Proactive Glenmore Women’s Shed celebrate successful first year


BOTHÁN na mBán Glenmore (Glenmore Women’s Shed) had its official opening in late July, celebratin­g the success of the shed, since it was started in spring, 2023.

The committee and more than 30 members were joined on the day by Managing Director of Monkey Reusable Products Ltd, Waterford, Mailo Power who officially cut the ribbon at Glenmore Community Centre. Mailo spoke passionate­ly about her life and work and how important it is take time out and to strive everyday to make your dreams come true. Majella Keating from Creative Kilkenny of Kilkenny County Council also attended on the day, alerting the Womens Shed members to the funding and grant opportunit­ies available to the organisati­on.

Bothán na mBán Glenmore was founded in March 2023 following a meeting between Catriona Greene, Eileen O’Keeffe, Mary Mackey and Mary O’Donohoe, and today, has over 60 members registered. The group was started on the ethos that we are a group for women of any age to share knowledge, ideas and skills while also providing fun activates and social outings with the emphasis being on fun, enjoyment and above all friendship and comradery.

“Since day one the group have been embraced by the community of Glenmore and indeed the wider community, something that those at the helm are truly delighted about,” said secretary Mary Mackey. “We were blessed with the weather on the day and everyone enjoyed an outdoor tea party and cakes.”

Since its inception Bothán have had many visitors to give talks, demonstrat­ions, classes and have also had a number of hands-on projects. Last year the ladies charity project was the knitting of hats and blankets for the Neo Natal Unit of University Hospital Waterford and in September this year the ladies intend to knit the blankets of hope and care the Oak Ward, Waterford.

The group meet fortnightl­y in the Glenmore Community Centre on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and all are welcome to come along for pre-planned activities and of course the group’s legendary tea and chats that take place at each gathering.

“We are now on our summer holidays for the month of August and will return on Thursday, September 5, when we will be joined by the Graiguenam­anagh Fire Station for a fire safety talk and our AGM is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 19 when our AGM our autumn /winter schedule will be revealed.

“So why not follow us on Facebook to keep update with us we look forward to another successful year together because here at Bothán na mBán Glenmore. We firmly believe that ‘Alone we can do so little but together we can

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