Irish Independent


No 6,239




3 Pact made by great men round the East (9)

8 It’s useful for one who carries off the cups (4)

9 See 9 Down

10 Tricky descriptio­n of popular tune (6)

11 Give some backbone to a couple (5)

14 In the main this provides luxury accommodat­ion (5)

15 Sound return from juvenile choristers (4)

16 Rents will produce indication­s of sadness (5)

18 Dispatch to southern terminus (4)

20 No clear profit returned by this joint (5)

21 Quantities of water essential for fish! (5)

24 Puts the onus on Mabel’s disorder (6)

25 Anticipate a change in store in the autumn (9)

26 Sounds like part of the rosary for an ancient monk (4)

27 Thrashed the revolution­ary at the back of the field (9)


1 Catalogue of farm animals? (9)

2 Sealing the hatches and growing fat (9)

4 Hoary elegist, we hear (4)

5 Don’t stay without (5)

6 Jeopardise fellows with the winning card (6)

7 Christmas book has the middle missing (4)

9 & 9Ac. Given by the judge who is a man of few words? (5,9)

11 The effrontery to make money (5)

12 Savings on expenditur­e, so income must be revised after the end of June (9)

13 Golfers who bring the milk? (9)

17 As yet, inactive (5)

19 Tell somebody the way without deviation (6)

22 Used for turning definite articles in French and English (5)

23 European staff (4)

24 Sad insect loses its bottle (4)


3 Most intelligen­t (9)

8 Fleet (4)

9 Guardian (9)

10 Sailing-ship (6)

11 Mass of vapour (5)

14 Rests on (5)

15 A fruit (4)

16 Young eel (5)

18 Cravats (4)

20 Curses (5)

21 Unclean (5)

24 Annals (6)

25 Clothier (9)

26 Perceived (4)

27 Welfare (9)


1 Powerlessn­ess (9)

2 Thought too much of (9)

4 Entice (4)

5 Essential (5)

6 Reimburse (6)

7 Cease (4)

9 Money-bag (5)

11 Brood of game birds (5)

12 Warship (9)

13 Head of state (9)

17 Pirate (5)

19 Wicked (6)

22 Heading (5)

23 Dumb (4)

24 Curb (4)

 ?? ??

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