Irish Independent

RFK Jr’s ‘disgusted’ sister says his backing of Trump is ‘obscene’


Kerry Kennedy has said she is “disgusted” by her brother Robert F Kennedy Jr’s “obscene” backing of Donald Trump.

In a scathing rebuke of her brother, Ms Kennedy said by dropping out of the presidenti­al race and endorsing Trump, RFK Jr has “set fire” to their father’s memory. Their father, the late senator Robert F Kennedy, who served as the former attorney general, was assassinat­ed while running for president in 1968.

Speaking on MSNBC, Ms Kennedy said: “If my dad were alive today, the real Robert Kennedy would’ve detested almost everything Donald Trump represents. I am outraged and disgusted by my brother’s obscene embrace of Donald Trump.

“I completely disavow and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr and his flagrant efforts to desecrate, trample and set fire to my father’s memory.”

Five of RFK Jr’s siblings shared a joint statement on Friday where they condemned their brother and backed Kamala Harris for president.

The statement, signed by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Courtney Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, Chris Kennedy and Rory Kennedy, said: “We believe in Harris and Walz. Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”

Writing in the LA Times, Max Kennedy also implored voters to “ignore my brother Bobby” and said he was “heartbroke­n” by RFK Jr’s decision to back Trump.

He said: “It is all the more tragic because of our brother’s name. To carry the name Robert F Kennedy Jr means a special legacy within a legacy. It would strongly imply a desire to carry on our father’s work. But Bobby’s alliance with Trump puts this in jeopardy.”

Joe Kennedy III, one of Robert F Kennedy’s grandchild­ren who serves in the Joe Biden administra­tion as a special envoy to Northern Ireland, shared the statement on X, adding, “well said”.

Before President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, the Kennedy family previously endorsed him at an event earlier this year where they warned about the dangers of a Trump presidency.

Kerry Kennedy said at the time: “I can only imagine how Donald Trump’s outrageous lies and behaviour would have horrified my father, senator Robert F Kennedy, who proudly served as the attorney general of the United States and honoured his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country.” (© The Independen­t)

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