Irish Independent

Your Stars

- with Patrick Arundell

Aries March 21 – April 20

Interested in enhancing creativity? As nimble Mercury re-enters your leisure zone you’ll jump at the chance, even if it involves a learning curve to get up to scratch. Enjoy competitiv­e sport or even acting and drama? There’ll be no holding you back. And yet this reprise could also inspire you to hark back to the past and tap into ideas and interests that have renewed relevance.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Your mental energy ramps up from today as Mercury, your ruler, reverses back into fiery Leo. If you’ve been keen to promote your ideas or business to a wider audience and felt thwarted, you’ll be ready to try a different approach. But you’ll also be curious about what’s going on in your local area, town or city. A new developmen­t could be just perfect for your current needs.

Leo July 24 – August 23

You’ll want to review your ideas as convivial Mercury moves back into your sign. Been doing a lot of work behind the scenes? Now is the time to discuss plans and get feedback. And if friends have found you quieter in general, then it’s because you’ve been giving any dilemmas a lot of thought. Keen to get your bearings? Don’t dismiss your instincts as they can bypass any unreliable notions.

Libra September 24 – October 23

With Mercury stepping back into your social sector from today you’ll feel the pull towards reaching out and connecting as strongly as ever. Even so, you may be ready to reconnect with a group or club after a long absence. Getting back into the fold could feel like a homecoming, and the chance to catch up might leave you content. You’ll likely sense this is a good move.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

You may have a strong urge to revisit a place that had quite an influence on you in the past. Perhaps you feel revitalise­d, or the opposite: more peaceful and truly able to relax. At the same time, keep a check list of all the things you need to take to make your stay as enjoyable as possible, as with Mercury still doing its backward dance, you don’t want to miss anything.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

You’ll be curious about reconnecti­ng with others and what this might mean for you. And if you decide to move in newer circles or revisit old ones, sizzling opportunit­ies await. But you could also find yourself sharing your thoughts more frequently with your partner, friends or other close ones. Mercury’s move back into Leo can bring opportunit­ies to resolve lingering dilemmas.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Need to get better organised on the home front? You’ll get this opportunit­y as the planet of talk and thought comes back to roost in your domestic sector. Whatever issues or tasks may be hanging over you, you’ll be ready to tackle them. Need some time out to reflect? You may sense some issues building, or at least it could seem so. Try to find ways to gain some serenity.

Cancer June 22 – July 23

Ready to locate those bargains and do a little financial rearrangin­g? You may feel more inclined to research your options on both counts. If there’s something you’ve been coveting for a while, a little nosing around could help you get it at a sterling price. Mercury’s retrograde isn’t always easy, but it can assist you in getting a better sense of what your financial priorities are.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Need to hold a key conversati­on to resolve an ongoing issue? Mercury’s second entrance into a spiritual zone this year encourages you to make that call and connect for a heart-to-heart chat. Whatever happened in the past, this influence can prompt you to discuss those edgy feelings and make a fresh start. Feeling creative? Don’t listen to anyone else, just be true to yourself.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

As dealmaker Mercury returns once more to your sector of goals, it can set you thinking about what’s stopping you moving forward with your plans. You’ll be curious about the possibilit­ies out there and ready to meet others who might help you realise them. If you’re keen to make a good impression, then a rethink about how best to showcase your talents could be so worthwhile.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

As Mercury hotfoots it back into a powerful zone, you could find you’re prepared to dig even further beneath the surface. What you find could amaze you, surprise you or reveal yet another mystery. The deeper you go, the more you’ll discover. This is also an opportunit­y to unravel an issue that’s bugged you recently. Letting blocked emotions gently surface can be so healing.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

A spontaneou­s desire to make new discoverie­s could get you moving. Rather than stick with the ideas and groups you already know, an upbeat influence can entice you to do some exploring and connect with projects and initiative­s that truly inspire you. Plus, as Mercury revisits bold Leo, it’s time to be kinder to yourself. Feel stressed? A massage or other treatment can soothe.

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