Irish Independent

Leinster House usher suspended after far-right activity


An usher has been suspended from Leinster House as an investigat­ion takes place into his online activity, including anti-migrant and far-right posts on social media.

Responding to questions from the Irish Independen­t, an Oireachtas spokeswoma­n said: “As you will appreciate, we do not comment on staff or security matters.”

The man was escorted off the Leinster House campus at 5pm on Monday and told not to come back.

The Irish Independen­t understand­s he has now been suspended on full pay.

It is also understood he had been spoken to by authoritie­s about his tweets and posts on more than one occasion, but did not modify his behaviour.

He also attended a far-right protest in the last week.

The State-paid attendant at Leinster House had duties that on occasion left him within metres of Taoiseach Simon Harris – as could also have been the case with foreign VIPs.

He has been publicisin­g farright, anti-migrant rants online, using a picture of himself, in his official uniform, apparently taken at Leinster House.

The Irish Independen­t invited the Oireachtas to make a comprehens­ive statement for publicatio­n on what actions had been taken in this matter, and what steps the authoritie­s proposed to take.

The usher was escorted from Leinster House and had his security clearance revoked within hours of the Irish Independen­t contacting the Oireachtas on Monday. It comes after the Taoiseach was targeted at his home by a masked right-wing mob, and expressed concern for his own and his family’s safety.

‘He was spoken to by authoritie­s on more than one occasion’

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