Irish Independent

Council says DAA staff car-park plan is against ‘national policy’

Airport operator wants to add 950 spaces for workers


Fingal County Council has told Dublin airport operator DAA that it would be difficult for it to support additional parking for existing airport staff in response to DAA plans for a 950-space car park for airport staff.

As part of pre-planning consultati­ons with the planning authority, the Council told DAA the planning applicatio­n for the additional car spaces may not be supported “due to recent national policy shifts towards a greater emphasis on public and sustainabl­e transport modes and a shift away from private car use”.

The Council also told DAA that the staff car-park proposal is contrary to some of the developmen­t objectives contained in the Fingal Developmen­t

Plan and Local Area Plan and that, as a result, the Council considered the proposal to be a material contravent­ion of those plans.

In the pre-planning consultati­ons, the planning authority also advised that the presented justificat­ion for the proposed car-parking spaces as being replacemen­t parking spaces “was not strong enough to support the proposed quantum of parking”.

In the planning applicatio­n lodged with Fingal County Council earlier this month, DAA is seeking planning permission for a westwards extension of the existing ‘Holiday Blue’ long-term car park for the additional 950 “airport staff car-parking spaces”.

In response to the Council concerns at pre-planning stages, DAA representa­tives told the Council that the proposed car-park “is the minimum number of staff car-parking spaces required to meet existing demand”.

DAA also stated that the proposal represents a like-for-like replacemen­t of existing employee car-parking spaces displaced from developmen­ts that have occurred across the airport campus.

The Dublin Airport operator stressed that what is proposed “is not additional car parking, but will support existing airport staff car parking, which remains an essential requiremen­t of airport operations”.

The exchanges between the Council and DAA are contained in a 32-page planning report lodged with the applicatio­n by planning consultant­s for DAA, Coakley O’Neill.

In the report, Coakley O’Neill state that over the past decade as Dublin Airport has grown, several locations occupied by airport staff car parks have been consumed by other developmen­ts.

The report states this is likely to continue to be the case as Dublin Airport develops and “will require airport staff parking to be reinstalle­d elsewhere to cater for this displaceme­nt and to help alleviate congestion within the central campus”.

The report adds that the loss of airport staff car-parking spaces due to displaceme­nt “is putting significan­t pressure on the management of remaining parking assets and airport operations”.

It says “staff are having to park where possible on the airport campus”.

The report states that the proposal will provide a co-ordinated, consolidat­ed, and controlled approach to staff parking aligned with the total of 5,360 spaces permitted by An Bord Pleanála.

A decision is due in August.

“Staff are having to park where possible on the airport campus”

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