Irish Independent

Princess Anne in hospital as precaution after head injury


Princess Anne has been taken to hospital after suffering a head injury on Sunday, Buckingham Palace said.

It said she was expected to make a full recovery from the incident, which was believed to have involved a horse.

The palace said the 73-yearold had suffered minor injuries and a concussion following the incident, and was at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, west England.

“Her Royal Highness is recovering well, is in a comfortabl­e condition and is being kept in hospital as a precaution­ary measure for further observatio­n,” a Buckingham Palace spokespers­on said yesterday.

Princess Anne had been walking in the grounds of Gatcombe Park estate, where her home is, when she suffered minor injuries to her head.

A source said there were horses in the vicinity and her medical team said the head injuries were consistent with impact from a horse’s head or legs.

Her husband, Tim Laurence, accompanie­d her to hospital and her two children, Zara Tindall and Peter Phillips, were also on the estate at the time.

“The king has been kept closely informed and joins the whole royal family in sending his fondest love and well-wishes to the princess for a speedy recovery,” the Buckingham Palace statement said.

Princess Anne is expected to return home this week, but her upcoming engagement­s have been postponed. She will not fly to Canada as planned at the end of the week, the source said.

However, the official state visit of Japanese Emperor Naruhito and his wife, hosted by King Charles, will go ahead as planned, starting today.

It is the latest health setback suffered by the British royal family this year.

King Charles returned to public engagement­s in April. He has been having treatment for cancer.

Kate Middleton, the wife of his son Prince William, is having preventati­ve chemothera­py.

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