Irish Daily Star

Sophie claim ‘ill-judged’ FG HIT OUT AT MARTIN’S REMARKS

- ■■Louise BURNE

TáNAISTE Micheál Martin’s comments on the Sophie Toscan du Plantier case were branded “ill-judged” and “totally unwise” at an internal Fine Gael meeting.

Remarks made by the Fianna Fáil leader at a book launch last week were raised with Taoiseach Simon Harris at the weekly Fine Gael parliament­ary party meeting in Leinster House on Wednesday evening.

Mr Martin made a speech at the launch of journalist Senan Molony’s book Sophie: The Final Verdict in Dublin.

In his remarks, he blasted how the State had allegedly failed to “deliver justice” as he criticised how it dealt with the case’s main suspect Ian Bailey, who died in January.

Mr Martin claimed the State had failed in its duty to “find and convict a bloody murderer” and “blocked alternativ­e routes when others were not willing to accept our failures”. In 2020, the High Court rejected France’s bid to have Bailey extradited to Sophie’s homeland.

He also claimed it was “very, very hard to understand” why the case was never put before a jury.

“To the general public, to many experts and to the judicial system of another democratic state, the evidence against the main suspect was broad and deep,” Mr Martin said.

“He was a violent man who had beaten his partner so badly she had to attend hospital. His psychologi­cal profile was that of a violent, impulsive narcissist – a person who had no r espect for others.

“He bore injuries which he failed to properly explain. He intimidate­d witnesses and may well have succeeded.


“When the French state sought justice for its murdered citizen the Irish courts were successful­ly used to block its efforts. For every failure there was an excuse.”

The Star understand­s that Mr Martin’s comments were raised by Senator Tim Lombard, who will contest the next general election in the Cork South-West constituen­cy, which includes the area where Sophie was murdered.

Sources at the meeting said Mr Lombard branded Mr Martin’s comments “illjudged” and “totally unwise”.

 ?? ?? ACCUSATION: Martin and Ian Bailey (top)
ACCUSATION: Martin and Ian Bailey (top)
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 ?? ?? VICTIM: Sophie
VICTIM: Sophie

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