Irish Daily Star

Cian makes up for lost time..


- Showbiz news with Sandra Mallon

ABS FAB: Kylie poses after a workout

CHART-TOPPER Cian Ducrot is on the lash – he finally feels free to wear make-up again after years of bullying.

Going through a glow-up, the Irish charmer told me: “When I was a kid, I loved dressing up. I loved musical theatre. I loved wearing my mum’s clothes…

“I feel like I’ve pushed that side of me down. You grow up and everyone would be bullying you or calling you names.

“Then you’re like, ‘I can’t do that.’ You know, I’m a straight male, and so maybe in my mind [I thought], ‘Oh, but I’m a straight male, I should be this way.’”


Dusting off his nail polish and eyeliner, the All For You singer has never

IT was a boy… well, man band bonanza when Busted reunited with the Jonas Brothers.

Matt Willis and co were the surprise special guests at the bros’ gig at London’s O2 earlier this week. They joined forces for a rollicking rendition of Year 3000, which they previously been more comfortabl­e in his skin.

He added: “I don’t care what people think. I don’t care if somebody has a problem with it. I’m gonna live the way that makes me happy.

“If I want to wear some eyeliner or mascara or paint my nails, I don’t get why it matters.

“If someone goes, ‘Why are you doing that?’ it’s like, ‘Why not?’”

“It doesn’t mean you’re more flamboyant, charismati­c, in touch with your feminine side. It doesn’t mean s***. It just means you don’t give a f***.”

And if naysayers get lippy, they’ll be doing him a favour: “Now I know you’re a bad person, that’s great. It’s almost like a radar to pull out the bad people.”

Cian’s new single Can’t Even Hate You is out now. recorded together for a version on Busted’s Greatest Hits 2.0 collection.

Meanwhile, Matt recently made a grim revelation after sharing that he purchased a death calendar. He enjoys ticking off the days until his possible demise, with the product typically charting a

FREE AT LAST: Cian Ducrot 90-year-old lifespan.

Speaking on his On The Mend podcast, Matt said: “It’s a scratchy thing and you scratch off every month.

“My family told me to take it down because it was quite morbid. I had it in my office for a while.”

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