Irish Daily Star

Bail refused for man accused of cocaine distributi­on

- ■■David RALEIGH

A MAN who Gardai allege is involved in the “distributi­on of cocaine in Limerick and beyond” has been charged with possessing of €35,000 worth of the drug for sale or supply last Sunday.

Owen Treacy (28) was yesterday remanded in custody by Judge

Carol Anne Coolican at Limerick District Court.

Mr Treacy is charged with one count of being in possession of cocaine for sale or supply on September 15, and with one count of possession of cocaine on that date.

Opposing bail, Detective Garda Adrian Cahill said: “It is my belief, if granted bail, Owen Treacy will commit further serious crimes, he will fail to meet any bail conditions, and he will continue to engage in the distributi­on of cocaine in the Limerick region and beyond.”


He alleged that during a planned “intelligen­ce-led operation targeting the sale, supply and distributi­on of controlled drugs in the King’s Island area” he personally observed Mr Treacy placing packages into a car at Castle Street, Limerick city.

Det Gda Cahill alleged that when Gardai stopped this car they recovered two packages of cocaine, subject to forensic testing, with an estimated value of €35,000.

He alleged that prior to the alleged interactio­n with the car, Mr Treacy was observed leaving his home and going to a yard on St Munchin’s Street that he owns and where he keeps horses, and that he was then seen riding a “dirt bike” to Castle Street.

Mr Treacy made no reply to the charges, the court heard.

Judge Coolican remanded him in custody to appear via video link before Limerick District Court for DPP directions on September 24.

 ?? ?? CUSTODY: Owen Treacy
CUSTODY: Owen Treacy

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