Irish Daily Star

Ban on ‘fake weed’ urged


- ■■Emma McMENAMY

THE Government must ban the distributi­on and sale of semisynthe­tic cannabis following an ‘explosion’ in young people seeking help from addiction, it has been claimed.

According to the College of Psychiatri­sts, the man-made drug HHC (Hexahydroc­annabinol) plays a part in approximat­ely 20 per cent of all adolescent­s who present themselves looking for help.

HHC produces similar effects to THC, a natural cannabinoi­d found in the cannabis plant that causes the drug’s high.


It is currently available in vapes and edibles in Ireland but is not subject to any legal restrictio­ns as it is currently not classified as a controlled substance.

The College of Psychiatri­sts of Ireland (CPsychI) published a guide on HHC yesterday, outlining its risks, effects and what needs to be done to address its use among the public.

It is calling on the Government to urgently include HHC as well as any other semi-synthetic cannabinoi­d on the list of prohibited substances for manufactur­e, distributi­on and sale.

It also wants to see legal prosecutio­n of businesses and retailers found producing, distributi­ng or selling any version of HHC and other semi-synthetic cannabinoi­ds.

The CPsychI is also looking for the Government to raise awareness of the potential dangers and harms of HHC and where they can be found.

Specialist Consultant Child & Adolescent Addiction Psychiatri­st and Chair, Prof Bobby Smyth, said more and more youngsters are presenting themselves looking for help: “The explosion in HHCrelated addiction presentati­ons among adolescent­s has been extraordin­ary over such a short period of time,” he said.

“HHC was only identified in Europe for the first time two years ago — today we estimate that HHC now features as a component part in about 20 per cent of all presentati­ons to adolescent addiction services in Ireland, very often in combinatio­n with cannabis itself.”


And Dr Smyth compared the legality of HHC with that of head shops roughly 15 years ago. He added: “In the short time that they bypassed the law, the products sold in head shops caused a huge amount of damage, primarily to young people.

“We are seeing a similar trend now with HHC.

“The Government’s job is simple, it must enforce the laws we currently have as sale of psychoacti­ve drugs such as HHC and similar compounds is prohibited under the Criminal Justice (Psychoacti­ve Substances) Act 2010.”

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 ?? ?? WARNING: HHC can be found in vapes here
WARNING: HHC can be found in vapes here

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